* Professor at the Virgilio Institute in Milan and mother
My son prepared the folder for the last time; for how long, who knows.Definitely not for 15 days, but probably until Christmas and who knows, maybe beyond. As of tomorrow it will be in Dad, and with him all the second and third grade students from the red zones, as well as all the high school students from all over the country. Dad and his devastating effects are under the gaze of anyone who has to do in particular with boys enrolled in a first high school, boys who had their last normal class on February 21, and then immerse themselves in this mode that, in many cases cases, which continued, although not 100%, even in September. Dad just doesn’t go to school; the father a palliative, used exceptionally in a moment of emergency, when the whole world was taken by surprise and disarmed in the face of an invisible and formidable enemy. But dad doesn’t go to school. The kids who took Dad in a crucial year like eighth grade (a year of consolidating knowledge, a year of strengthening, the year with the only exam left before maturity) show enormous fragility and disorientation; anyone who has children in first grade or teaches in first grade can confirm it. But we accept Dad, in the last school year, precisely because he is an instrument of response to an unexpected catastrophic event. Today, it can no longer be accepted. However, I see that, for different reasons (fear, consolation, guilt, carelessness, superficiality), many seem asleep and ready to suffer it, more and more. No, it is not admissible.
Perhaps not everyone knows that the newly launched Dpcm is implicitly referring to the July guidelines, which calls for 15 hours of dad lessons for middle schools, versus 30 curricula., and in the upper 20 hours, compared to curriculum 27-32. Perhaps the scope of these data is not clear enough: a government decree puts the pen on paper that Dad will guarantee students only 50% of the total hours of the curriculum; that is, children are denied half the hours, half the lessons, half what they should be entitled to. Yes, because we are talking about the right, the right to education, enshrined in the Constitution and inexplicably, inconceivably denied by a Dpcm, in silence, in distraction, in general disinterest. So my son and all the second and eighth graders from the red areas will be locked in their rooms starting tomorrow, in front of a PC (as long as everyone can have it and it is not shared with siblings and parents, the latter also returned to intelligent), connected only during half of the curricular hours (and while there is connection, that everyone can count on 4G, powerful Wi-Fi …), trying to follow the lessons; the teachers (after the doctors and nurses, the true heroes of this pandemic, whom no one will ever thank enough, at least those who are working twice or three times to try to compensate for the absurdities of the decisions of governments, central or regionals), meanwhile, will be at the school, where they will give lectures in the presence of the first classes and then connect (for half the hours) with the second and third grade students; already
But how? Perhaps it escapes that middle schools are not equipped with webcams in all classrooms (unlike high schools) and the use of computer labs can only be done for a few teachers at a time (as they could teach in the classroom). same classroom in ten or fifteen, how many second and third grades are there in a large middle school?); then, I imagine, teachers will bring their PCs with webcams from home, once again making up for the deficiencies of the government and ministry with their resources. But how was it possible to imagine such a measure? How to accept this denial of a fundamental right without raising voices, without filling the squares? Why do children, our children, have to pay for everyone, pay for the incompetence, the deficiencies, the delays of the adult world? I listen to teachers and families worried, shocked, disoriented, angry at a decision that no Republican government ever made, not even in the darkest and most difficult times. I listen to scientists, pediatricians, psychologists worried about the disastrous consequences that the closure of schools will bring, with the most fragile and weak that will be swept away, trampled on, forgotten, abandoned.
Schools are basically a safe place: thermo-scanners, gels and masks (obviously to wear all the time), together with the ventilation of the classrooms, guarantee enough safety elements; Ata teachers and staff are very caring and perform important civic education work with the students, calling them to the rules and holding them accountable. Of course, zero risk does not exist; there is no place in Italy that can present zero risk. Schools are certainly more protected than all the other places that children can attend. In short, the problem of school closings in a civilized country should not even have been taken into account. Germany, France, England, Spain, Holland, Greece did not question how safe the schools were; they just haven’t even thought of closing them. They made all decisions and interventions revolve around a single certainty: schools must remain open. Then they presented rigorous protocols for schools which, I would like this to be clear also for those who don’t know, in Italy most of the schools had already adopted.
That is why I have decided to appeal directly to the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, whom I ask to intervene to guarantee the provisions of the Constitution of the Italian Republic in matters of education and the right to study.
November 5, 2020 (change November 5, 2020 | 10:59)