Red zone, leaving home and moving from one municipality to another: when possible


Since Friday Lombardy, and consequently Bresciano, is in the red zone and a long list of restrictions comes into force (here the list in detail). The categorical imperative is always the same: avoid leaving the house. But unlike last spring, the new blockade imposed by the government on our region includes a (long) series of exceptions. The movements allowed, even outside the Municipality itself, are actually many more than in the past also because kindergartens, kindergartens and primary schools will not close their doors, as well as factories. You can go out to work, as well as shopping, accompany your children / grandchildren to school, but also to go to the hairdresser and barber that will remain open. But every move will always be certified and motivated.

“The Viminale circular made it clear that self-certification is necessary – confirms Luca Leone, commander of the Montorfano Local Police – but it is not mandatory to always have the form at hand. If a citizen is arrested and does not have it with him, it is provided by the police forces. However, the recommendation is to have the self-certification ready and completed, especially when departures are always motivated by the same reason. Let me explain better: if you make the same journey to work every day, it is useful to prepare the form to be submitted, thus avoiding wasting time during the control phase and avoiding risky situations such as passing the same pen to fill in the form ”.

Travel for work / study is always allowed

In general, it is forbidden to travel outside the municipality itself, but even here there are exceptions. The conditional is essential because even the police are waiting for a clarification from the Ministry of the Interior: “There are some points that lend themselves to different interpretations and we are waiting for concrete ones,” says Leone. “It is true that you can move from one municipality to another to take your children to school, go to work or for reasons of need / health ”.

Is it possible to buy in a different municipality than the one you live in?

“Generally not, but if you live in a country where perhaps there is only one supermarket and not very well stocked, you can get to the closest one, even in another Municipality, as long as it is adjacent. This is the interpretation of the law. to which I arrived after a confrontation with other commanders of the Region. For example: the citizens of Coccaglio told me that the only supermarket in town is closing and some products are missing: in this case they can go to Chiari or Rovato to find the essential goods they need. “

Can I go to another municipality to go to the hairdresser?

Another viral question about Social it’s about going to the hairdresser or the barber. Trusted salons are not always located in the municipality where you live: can you go there anyway?

“Also in this case we do not have clear indications, and we are awaiting clarifications from the Government. But, according to our first interpretation, since exits to go to the hairdresser / barber are allowed and therefore fall within the grounds of necessity, an exception to the prohibition to cross municipal borders could be envisaged “.

Another question that we are trying to answer refers to physical activity: it is allowed to leave the house to play sports, but individually. You can then go jogging and cycling. And the walks? They are only allowed to be alone and “in the vicinity of their home”. It remains to define the kilometer radius within which you can move. The Dpcm also specifies that motor activities can be carried out “provided that in any case the distance of at least one meter from any other person is respected and with the obligation to use respiratory protection devices”.

The parks and gardens remain open, can we go there?

Even this question has not yet been addressed and is going to be interpreted, but I think you will be able to attend to those who are close to your house to do sports and physical activity ”.

Can children access the playgrounds in the parks?

“In principle, yes, since it is part of the child’s motor activity: obviously they must be accompanied by an adult and they must go to the park closest to their home.”

As we have seen, there are still many knots to be resolved, therefore, Leone concludes: “Maximum cooperation between citizens and law enforcement is required. To avoid sanctions, just use common sense and do not try to deceive the police during controls “. .
