He continued to see his patients in the clinic and at home despite being aware he was positive for coronavirus. Valter Borghino, 59, GP of the province of Cuneo. He was denounced by the ASL Cn1 to the Order of Physicians and by the Carabinieri of Savigliano to the Cuneo Prosecutor for violation of quarantine. La Stampa tells it. You risk criminal sanction with arrest of 3 to 18 months, and a fine of 500 to 5,000 euros.
On Sunday night he goes out to visit the home of a cancer patient. And on Tuesday morning he goes back to the office to use the printer. Hence a new letter from the mayor, who this time “ordered” him to immediately leave the clinic where he “continued to practice”, although he was aware that it was a vehicle of contagion for his patients and for anyone who had treated him positively proven ” .
The doctor defends himself by claiming that he is not sure of his state of health.
“After Savigliano’s positive swab, in theory I should have stopped doing it, but a few hours later I did a negative serological test and a swab at Santa Croce di Cuneo, also negative. I was asymptomatic, even now I’m fine, I wasn’t sure what had happened to me, so I continued the activity until 7pm on Friday, when the police arrived and told me to stop. That day I met some patients and I always respected the safety devices “