Editorial Board
05 November 2020 11:57
What is the percentage of patients? Covid hospitalized in intensive care? Since updated card published on the website of the National Agency for Regional Health Services, an alarming fact arises: the 30% threshold has been reached, the value identified as critical by the Ministry of Health in order not to compromise the operation of hospitals. The situation is particularly delicate in some regions, less compromised in others: although it may seem paradoxical, although it has ended up among the areas of greatest risk, Calabria is the Italian region that has the lowest percentage of Covid patients in relation to the number of available places : only 9%. The reason is found in the criteria that underlie the definition of the different risk areas, which take into account 21 parameters (for example, the Rt index and the real capacity of the hospitals) in addition to the percentage of intensive care places occupied.
In general, there are 7 regions that exceed the critical threshold of 30%: Liguria, Lombardy, Marche, Piedmont, Tuscany, Umbria and Valle d’Aosta. The situation is also difficult in the Public Administration of Bolzano with 51% of the positions occupied.
- Abruzzo 23%
- Basilicata 23%
- Calabria 9%
- Campania 27%
- Emilia Romagna 29%
- Friuli Venezia Giulia 23%
- Lazio 26%
- Liguria 43%
- Lombardy 46%
- Walking 38%
- Molise 21%
- Piedmont 40%;
- Pa Bolzano 51%,
- Pa Trento 22%
- Apulia 29%
- Sardinia 27%
- Sicily 22%
- Tuscany 38%
- Umbria 48%
- Aosta Valley 37%
- Veneto 15%
(Credit Image Health of the newspaper)
The situation in “ordinary” Covid districts
Regarding beds occupied by Covid patients in non-critical conditions, the national average is 43%. Once again Lombardy and Liguria are among the least virtuous regions with 67 and 64% of the places occupied, but what is impressive are the data from Piedmont (97%) and Valle D’Aosta (87%).
Coronavirus, Gimbe report
According to the latest report from the GIMBE foundation, the follow-up from the week of October 28 to November 3, compared to the previous one, confirms an exponential increase (195,051 vs. 130,329), in part due to the increase in the cases analyzed (817,717 vs. 722,570), but above all due to the new increase in the positive / case ratio (23.9% vs 18%)
Currently, positive cases are growing by 63.9% (418,142 vs 255,090) and, in the hospital setting, there is an additional increase in hospitalized patients with symptoms (21,114 vs 13,955) and in intensive care (2,225 vs 1,411). Deaths increased by 72% (1,712 vs. 995). In detail, compared to the previous week, the following changes were recorded:
- Deaths: 1,712 (+ 72.1%)
- Intensive care: +814 (+ 57.7%)
- Hospitalized with symptoms: +7,159 (+ 51.3%)
- New cases: 195,051 (+ 49.7%)
- Currently positive cases: +163,052 (+ 63.9%)
- Cases analyzed +95,147 (+ 13.2%)
- Total buffers: +163,945 (+ 14%)
“In the last week – says Nino Cartabellotta, president of the GIMBE Foundation – the increase of more than 60% of positive cases currently has been confirmed, which is reflected in the number of hospitalized patients with symptoms and in intensive care, leading to hospitals to saturation. This also has an impact on the number of deaths, which in the last week exceeded 1,700 with a trend that, a week late, actually follows the other curves. The new increase in the ratio of positives / cases analyzed, about 24%, definitively certifies the collapse of the testing & tracing landfill “.
The national situation continues to be very heterogeneous with considerable regional variability. In general, compared to the previous week, the indicators worsened in all regions, except for the percentage increase in cases that in some regions registered very slight slowdowns. For Cartabellotta “the introduction of measures provided at different levels of regional risk is totally acceptable” however “the parameters and indicators on which the allocation of ‘colors’ is based are not clear and objective enough to exclude discretionary assessments, risking that the closing and reopening mechanism, far from being automated, always and in any case require a political transition with the Regions, as provided by the DPCM itself, which establishes that the ordinances of the Minister of Health are issued in agreement with the President of the corresponding Region ”.