The controversy continues as a result of the new Dpcm that divides the territory into red, orange and yellow zones depending on the spread of the infection, with differentiated measures that will be in force as of tomorrow.
PIEDMONT – “I spent hours rereading the data, region by region, trying to understand how and why the Government decided to use such different measures for very similar situations.” The President of the Piedmont Region Alberto Candle entrusts to social networks the comment on the government’s decision to put Piedmont in the red zone. “I want the logic of these elections to be explained to me, I demand clarity from the government,” says Cirio, who asks why such important decisions have been made “on data that is at least 10 days old” and the net improvement in RT “. . “I want you to explain to me the logic of these elections. – Cirio reiterates on Facebook -. Respect for institutions is part of my culture. And I respect the state. But Piedmont also deserves respect. Piedmontese and the many businesses that may not reopen deserve it. And for them I demand clarity from the government, “writes the Piedmontese governor on Facebook, who confesses that he” slept little. ” Because for the Regions with serious situations a different rod was used – Cirio still asks – I want him to explain the logic of these elections, I demand clarity from the government. ”
“At this dramatic moment, the institutions must assume their responsibilities. The Government has done so, establishing risk criteria for the Regions.” To say the mayor of Turin Chiara Hanger that on Facebook he urges “to put in place immediately a detailed and concrete plan that will take us to the lowest risk range and that will remove us, Turin and Piedmont, from the blockade as soon as possible.
LOMBARDY – “The requests made by the Lombardy Region have not even been taken into account. A slap in the face to Lombardy and to all the Lombards. A way of behaving that my people do not deserve. “The President of the Lombardy Region says this Attilio Fontana, commenting on the words of the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, who declared Lombardy a red zone.
“I can only say that the system chosen by the government to define the yellow, orange and red zones is too complexThis is the comment of the mayor of Milan, Giuseppe Sala, on the new government decree to contain Covid infections, on his social pages. “It is divided not only by Regions but also by Provinces. Imagine how many distinctions I distinguish, it is also based on RT and 21 indicators, very difficult to decipher. I would have chosen a simpler and more uniform system, ‘he concluded. I’m not so sure that this classification seen dynamically, from a trend perspective, guarantees a fair decision.
CALABRIA – “We will challenge the new order of the Minister of Health that establishes the red zone in Calabria. This region does not deserve an isolation that runs the risk of being fatal for it“This was stated by the acting president of the Calabria Region, Nino The respite, announcing an appeal against the provision signed by the Minister of Health. “The constant discussions that I have had in recent days with the members of the Government and with Commissioner Arcuri, beyond the great desire for dialogue on the part of all – Spirlì adds – have not produced any change with respect to the obviously preconceived will of “closing” a region whose epidemiological data, in fact, do not justify any blockade, especially when compared with those of our companions in misfortune: Lombardy, Piedmont and Val d’Aosta “.
CAMPANIA – “The hospitals of Naples and Campania collapse. Ambulances used as ward beds, cars lined up outside hospitals to wait for treatments that do not arrive, people at risk of dying because they do not receive adequate and immediate care, positive symptoms often left in their homes. “ by Magistris. “Since the situation is dramatic in health facilities, of the two: either the Campania region does not provide real and current data to the Ministry of Health, or health in Campania has gone crazy despite being at the yellow level , the lowest risk among the Regions in Italy. We are puzzled and concerned. We have the right to understand and receive accurate information from the Government. ”
The government’s decisions to divide Italy into epidemiological zones have created completely predictable problems. I remain convinced of the need for unitary national measures, even more rigorous, for more effective action to combat Covid, in the face of a substantially homogeneous spread of contagion. “Thus, the governor of Campania, Vincenzo By Luca. “As far as we are concerned, any attitude of comfort and relaxation would be out of place. The situation is difficult.”
VALLE D’AOSTA – ‘The Regions requested to have the spreadsheets used by the CTS, I reiterated it yesterday: it is important to be clear about why we are in the red zone, also as an element of clarity towards citizens ”. This was stated by the president of the Autonomous Community of Valle de Aosta, Erik Lavevaz, speaking in the Regional Council. “The numbers are beautiful because they don’t lend themselves to interpretation,” he added.
South tyrol – “The Ministry of Health assessment is based on data from October 25. Unfortunately, in the meantime, we have seen a massive increase in cases in South Tyrol.” Governor Arno Compatcher thus explains to ANSA the fact that According to the latest Dpcm, South Tyrol is the yellow zone, while according to local regulations the city of Bolzano and many other common outbreaks are the red zone. “There is no point in chasing the pandemic, but drastic and immediate measures are needed to break the wave, so that we can start over as soon as possible.”
ANCI – “Tomorrow with the entry into force of the new restrictions there will be limitations. In some regions they push more in others less. In the red areas you will not be able to leave the house. While in the oranges it will be only a recommendation, in the red areas it will be like going back to total lockdown. I hope it’s only for a few days. ” Then Antonio Decaro, president of ANCI and mayor of Bari on Rai Radio1 within Radio as well. Responding to the question of whether he shares the government line, Decaro replied: “Since May we had asked to identify the parameters in a transparent way, to hold us all accountable. We order it in May during the reopening period. We wanted certain indicators that would allow communities and mayors to understand and make adjustments. “