The provision
Coronavirus, new Dpcm: what are the red, orange and yellow regions and what is prohibited in each range
by Silvio Buzzanca
But that the figures have been determined in the identification of the regions as territory at risk seems to have “confessed” the same Calabrian center-right, who on November 3, on the eve of the approval of the new dpcm, seems to have tried sleight of hand with the numbers. admission to intensive care. In a few hours they went from 26 to 10, but not due to sudden healings or a wave of deaths. Twelve hours later, it was clarified that it was decided to distinguish between intubated patients and patients subjected “only” to assisted ventilation and to consider only the former as “hospitalized in intensive care”. An “indecorous ballet” is defined by the regional councilor of the PD, Carlo Guccione, who writes “it is serious that in less than 12 hours, without giving any explanation, the official data may change. This shows the carelessness that is ravaging the Citadel” .
Officially, the Region limited itself to saying that “this change was made as a result of the communications received from the Reggio Calabria hospital and the Cosenza hospital”. Unofficially, it was leaked that departments may have inflated the numbers to get more equipment and staff. In short, another plot.
Self-certification always with you, sports in parks are also allowed in the red zone, but not second homes
by Alessandra Ziniti
Meanwhile, Nino Spirlì, acting president of the Region, announces an appeal against the provision signed last night by Minister Roberto Speranza that establishes the red zone in Calabria. “The constant discussions that I have had in recent days with the members of the Government and with Commissioner Arcuri have not produced any change regarding the obviously preconceived will to” close “a region whose epidemiological data, in fact, do not justify any closure. , especially if it is compared with those of our companions in disgrace: Lombardy, Piedmont and Val d’Aosta. Other regions, with worse data than ours, have also been included in the orange zone and have avoided – and I am happy – the closure. Therefore, they include the scientific criteria based on which the government has decided the “life” or “death” of a territory. Because that is what it is: a new blockade runs the risk of definitively annihilating a region like Calabria … No one denies the atavistic difficulties of our health system, but, in recent weeks, the Region, through differentiated measures and targeted restrictions, has managed to limit the damage and maintain and epidemiological curve under control “.