
Red, orange or yellow regions: following Dpcm Illustrated by Conte in which Italy has been divided into 3 areas, it is a clash between the Regions and the Government. The group leaders of Fi, Lega, Noi with Italy in the Chamber and the vice president of the Fdi group, requested that Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and the Minister of Health intervene in the classroom “urgently”. Roberto Speranza, to report on the “criteria that determined the options in risk areas in Italy”. Asking why, with the same health conditions and data on the spread of the virus, certain regions were classified in the red zone and others in the orange or yellow zone. while Calabria, which has been included among the red regions, has announced that it will defy odinance.
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For her part, Speranza replied: “The Regions feed the data with which the control room has been monitoring since May. In the control room there are three representatives indicated by the Regions. It is surreal that instead of assuming their share of responsibility, there are those who pretend to ignore the seriousness of the data on their territories. We need unity and responsibility. It is not an unnecessary controversy».
“We will challenge the new order of the Minister of Health that establishes the red zone in Calabria. This region does not deserve an isolation that runs the risk of being fatal for it. This was stated by the interim president of the Calabria Region, Nino Spirlì, who announced an appeal against the provision signed by Minister Roberto Speranza. “The constant discussions that I have had in recent days with the members of the Government and with Commissioner Arcuri, beyond the great desire for dialogue on the part of all – Spirlì adds – have not produced any change with respect to the obviously preconceived will of »Close« a region whose epidemiological data, in fact, do not justify any blockade, especially when compared with those of our companions in misfortune: Lombardy, Piedmont and Val d’Aosta ».
“They imposed the orange zone on us. It is a unilateral provision, not agreed. And for many it seems to be dictated more by political than scientific reasons. Autonomy these days is on vacation. For the central government it has been for a long time. There are so many episodes that I am increasingly convinced that we are facing a dangerous return to Roman centralism that tends to mortify and degrade regional autonomies. In an interview with La Repubblica, says Nello Musumeci, president of the Sicilian Region. Asked: President, Sicily is not “yellow”, as perhaps you expected, but “orange”, with Puglia. Why don’t you accept it? He responds: “I only had an evening interview with Health Minister Speranza, during which our destination to the orange zone emerged, with the inevitable restrictions and closures that follow. I expressed all my disagreement and asked that the government immediately take all the necessary financial initiatives: hundreds of thousands of Sicilian small and medium-sized companies would be blocked. Entrepreneurs, merchants and their employees have the right to support the family.
Musumeci observes: «The Minister of Health tells me that he has received a report from which our limit position would emerge. With the data of these hours we should be in an Rt equal to 1.2. Therefore out of the orange zone ». On why Sicilia ended up in the orange zone, he reports instead: “It would be easy for me to answer you. Minister Speranza maintains that the evaluation cannot be done on a daily basis but on average in the recent period. Do you want everyone’s data? Today Campania has had more than four thousand new positives, Sicily just over a thousand. Campania has almost 55,000 positives, Sicily 18,000. Do we want to talk about Lazio? Today admits 2,317 positives compared to 1,100 Sicilians, with 217 in intensive care against 148. However, Campania and Lazio are in the yellow zone. Why this spasmodic desire to hit hundreds of thousands of Sicilian companies? We ask the Conte government to modify the provision, because it is unfair and unjustified.
Collecting the requests received from the territory, the province of Brescia has become the spokesperson for the requests of mayors so that Brescia is not considered a red zone. For this reason, the Brescia Authority is preparing a document, in agreement with the Association of Brescia Municipalities, to be delivered to Minister Roberto Speranza and Governor Fontana. At 3:00 p.m. today, with the authorization of the Police Headquarters, the mayors will meet in the courtyard of Broletto and will be received by the Prefect, together with the President of the Province Samuele Alghisi, to present the application for the application of the 21 parameters, to be defined on the provincial basis.
Last update: 12:53