This was underlined by the president of the Gimbe Foundation, who spoke in a hearing by videoconference before the Senate Health Commission, about monitoring the evolution of the epidemiological situation in our country. “We are delayed in the evolution of the virus, 15 days pass between infection and notification of cases, there is also a delay in many regions in the notification of diagnoses,” said the expert then.
“In this second wave we are in worse shape than March, there is an involvement of the south central, which has more fragile health services, we are facing 4-5 winter months, there is the pressure that the flu epidemic gives, the health personnel it is less motivated and there are frictions between the government and local authorities that prevent them from taking the most appropriate measures. This is the vision of the moment, in reference to the health emergency in our country, of Nino Cartabellotta, president of the Gimbe Foundation, who spoke at a hearing by videoconference before the Senate Health Commission, about monitoring the evolution of the epidemiological situation. Italian.
Cartabellotta: “Late in the evolution of the virus”
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According to the president of the Gimbe Foundation, an organization that “is non-profit but whose objective is to promote the dissemination and application of the best scientific evidence with independent research, training and scientific information activities, the Italian system is responding to the lags behind the growth curve of the virus. “We are delayed in the evolution of the virus, 15 days pass between infection and notification of cases, there is also a delay in many regions in the notification of diagnoses. The Rt index cannot be used alone to decide the measures, because it is late and can be underestimated, it must be evaluated together with other parameters, “Cartabellotta underlined.” We are also behind with the Dpcm, we are going towards a total blockade because we are not able to evaluate the effects of the measures introduced with the various decrees “, he explained again.” It should be noted that even a total closure by itself allows obtaining a 50% reduction in cases on the 28th day ”, the expert specified.
Greater transparency in data
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Another problem, Cartabellotta said, has to do with access to data related to the pandemic, for which greater transparency is needed. “The law assigns surveillance to ISS using a restricted access platform, independent investigators cannot do further investigations,” he said. “The other aspect is the monitoring of the indicators as of April 30, 2020, the report is not public, it emerges periodically through the press but it is confidential,” reported Gimbe number one. “We believe that regarding the report is appropriate that the contagions are made public by municipality, whereas now we have them only by province. You must make the database accessible in open data format, while for the follow-up of phase 2 the reports and databases in open data format should be made public “, in order to make explicit and reproducible” the criteria for the attribution of the level of risk “, He concluded.