Campania Yellow Zone: De Luca calls for stricter measures and school closures


Apart from “Campania saved”, as Republic the president of Sicily Nello musumeci. Inclusion in the “yellow zone”, the one considered lower risk and characterized by less severe containment measures, did not please the governor at all. Vincenzo De Luca, that even before the gangs became official, they had launched very strong volleys at the government’s leadership. Arrows accompanied by their usual sarcasm: “The blocking of mobility from 22 to 5? It seems frankly that it is one more measure than against Covid, against diversion, since it does not affect 99 percent of citizens. The obligation to to wear on What kind of mask? It’s downright unnerving. “

Dpcm, De Magistris: “Yellow zone of Campania? We are puzzled”

“All the sanctioned areas are regions that belong to the center-right … I’m not sure, but the suspicion is,” is the accusation of the president of the Sicilian Region. Nello musumeci. Also the Piedmontese president Alberto Cirio criticizes the criterion adopted by the ministry that has saved some regions, such as Campania, and closed others, such as Piedmont.

The oppositions accuse the governor: “Inadequate and irresponsible”

by Claudio Reale

This is the paradox of Wednesday’s hectic day: the subdivision of the territory into three areas ended up disappointing almost everyone. Those who finished in the top two are concerned about the repercussions on the economy. De Luca, who ten days ago had announced an imminent closure during the live social broadcast followed, a few hours later, by violent confrontations on the seafront, would have wanted more rigid measures and especially homogeneous in the national territory. And for now, go straight to school. In the “yellow zone”, distance learning is provided for high school only. Palazzo Santa Lucia is preparing to confirm the highly controversial regional ordinance suspending face-to-face lessons for students in all classes. On this front, the political confrontation with the mayor of Naples is rekindled Luigi of Magistris requesting a revision of this guide. De Luca, for his part, is especially concerned about the contagion curve, which in recent hours has exceeded the quota of four thousand new cases, and about the progressive saturation of beds, especially with regard to ordinary hospitalizations, which has led the Region to request help from individuals. .


The Dpcm is postponed to Friday. Conte: “Puglia and Sicily in the orange band. Red zone for Calabria, Lombardy, Piedmont, Valle d’Aosta”

This is also why the decision on Campania surprised the governor’s staff, who until a few hours earlier took for granted the classification at the “orange” level, the same one now rejected by Sicily. And then there is the problem of aid, which could favor regions included in the highest risk sections. A short circuit that seems to have dug an even deeper furrow between Naples and Rome, between De Luca and Palazzo Chigi, with the governor who is in trouble on the ground, the management of the emergency, which a month ago had guaranteed him re-election triumphant to the presidency. Instead of clearly choosing the line of prevention of contagion, we opted to intervene after the infection has broken out – the governor accused immediately after the signing of the new Dpcm-. It is a line that is not very responsible and above all ineffective from the point of view of With the aggravating factor of this ordeal of partial and continuous provisioning, which creates confusion among citizens, division between categories, social tensions.

Cirio: “Two pesos and two measures for Piedmont and Campania, the government explains the options.” But Appendino’s wand: “This is not the time for controversy”

by Mariachiara Giacosa

Furthermore, not all citizens have been given the perception of the drama of the situation, pushing many people, also due to the lack of rigorous and effective controls, towards laxity or real irresponsibility ”. This also scares the “sheriff now”. “: Campania in the” yellow zone “, reason his collaborators, can be interpreted as a kind of green light. That is why De Luca returns the ball to the Palazzo Chigi field:” The Government will assume the health and social responsibility consequent to its elections , always delayed and always fragmented ”.

Covid, Campania in the yellow zone

by Dario del Porto
