Covid red zones, the wrath of the Regions. Calabria: “People will starve”


Rome, November 5, 2020 – The day after the signing of the new Dpcm with additional restrictions to curb the second wave of Coronavirus in Italy, and the subdivision of the Italian regions into the three zones, anger erupts in almost all the regions included in the red zone (Lombardy, Piedmont, Calabria, Val d’Aosta, that is, the one that actually foresees a emergency shutdown similar to spring. But there are also criticisms of those who have been included in the yellow zone (the one that only has national restrictions): Campania for example. And protests also begin to arrive from city. The Minister of Health responds to the bosses, Roberto Speranza: “The Regions feed the data with which the control room has been monitoring since May. In the control room there are three representatives indicated by the Regions. surreal that instead of assuming their share of responsibility, there are those who pretend to ignore the seriousness of the data on their territories. We need unity and responsibility. It is not an unnecessary controversy. “


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Rt Index: the map of the Regions

Piedmont: “Ancient data”

Arrabiatissimo is the governor of Piedmont, Alberto Cirio: “I spent hours rereading the data, region by region, trying to understand how and why the government decided to use measures so different for very similar situations. “Cirio entrusts the comment to social networks:” I want the logic of these elections to be explained to me, I demand clarity from the government. “For the governor, the decision to include Piedmont in the red zone is based” in data at least 10 days old “and in his opinion” the network was not considered improved RtCirio says that he “slept little” and wonders “why a different meter was used for regions with serious situations. I want the logic behind these elections to be explained to me.”

The approach of the mayor of Turin is different, Chiara hangers: “This is not the time for controversy, we have to roll up our sleeves to get Turin and Piedmont out of lockdown.”

Calabria: “People will starve”

The Acting President of the Council of Calabria, Nino Spirlì, is bitter: “I learned it with dismay, anger and dismay. I think of the tens of thousands of companies that will be forced to close the doors by force and, in my opinion, without a valid reason; I think of the two
millions of Calabrians who are deprived of the most elementary personal freedoms; I get angry, because all this could have been avoided, if only the Government had listened to my repeated appeals that, card in hand, I made – in the last days and until the last hours – to try to convince those who, in fact, already they had done. Overly convinced anyway ”. And this morning on television he increased the dose: “Here people will die of hunger. The government instead of doing the traffic light decisions I should have made a decision with the ‘contra maroni’ deciding that all of Italy must behave in a certain way ”. And he also says that he was informed by Speranza at 7:59 p.m. on Wednesday.

Lombardy: “A Slap”

So hard since last night Governor Attilio Fontana: “The requests made by the Lombardy Region have not even been taken into account. A slap in the face to Lombardy and to all the Lombards. A way of behaving that my people do not deserve ”. And today the leader of the League also intervenes, Matteo salvini: “Fontana found out last night (Wed, ed) with a phone knock. Then they talk about collaboration … Not only do we complain of course, since yesterday we have been organizing how to avoid this problem with mayors, with entrepreneurs, with
principals, with teachers, with Governor Fontana. We do not resign stay home to see the weather forecast. “

Val d’Aosta: “Difficult situation”

Last night defended the government elections, the governor of Valle d’Aosta Erik lavevaz. “The situation is difficult and we need everyone to realize it. The more careful we are in applying the prescriptions, even in private life, the sooner the health situation will improve and the sooner we will return to normality. We must all maintain consistency in doing everything possible today to be free tomorrow. ” This morning he underlines: “The Regions have asked to have the spreadsheets used by the CTS, yesterday I reiterated it: it is important to be clear about why we are in the red zone, also as an element of clarity towards citizens.” Lavevaz also claims to have been informed with a phone call a few minutes before Conte’s press conference.

Campania: “Options always delayed”

Although it was even included in the yellow zone, after the red zone was hypoptized in recent days, the governor’s comment Vincenzo De Luca It is very hard on the government: “It will assume the health and social responsibility resulting from its elections, always delayed and always fragmented,” he says, announcing that he will leave all schools closed. And also the mayor of Naples, Luigi De Magistris, thunders: “The hospitals in Naples and Campania are collapsing. Ambulances used as ward beds, cars lined up outside the hospitals. Campòania yellow zone?

De Caro “Since May we have been asking for certain parameters”

The mayor of Bari (Puglia in the orange zone) Antonio Decaro, president of Anci, on Rai Radio1 inside Radio too he said. “We had asked since May to identify parameters in a transparent way, to hold us all responsible. We order it in May during the reopening period. We wanted certain indicators to give the communities and mayors the possibility of understanding and making adjustments ”.

The cities / Brescia

The province of Brescia he has been the spokesperson for the mayors’ requests that Brescia not be considered a red zone. For this reason, the Brescia Authority is preparing a document, in agreement with the Association of Brescia Municipalities, to be delivered to Minister Roberto Speranza and Governor Fontana.
