We started a year to forget. Marked by a virus that has scared, weakened, changed us. Who has discovered a vulnerability never experienced by forcing us to reformulate the way we relate to ourselves and to others. An “emotional tsunami” that the stars could not foresee. But knowing the astral conjunctions and the impact of the positioning of the planets on the signs of the zodiac, for 2021 could be a little easier. Especially if, to decipher the influences of the sky, it is the most famous astrologer on television: Paolo Fox, author, since 2008, of the annual and very popular Horoscope for next year.
The link between the stars and reality.
“I started studying astrology 43 years ago. Of course, it is not an exact science, but a discipline that helps us define our personal evolution, relationships with others, potential in everyday life, major changes in life. In short, an instrument of inner knowledge », he explains. On time as always, the new edition of Fox’s work – “L’Oroscopo 2021” – will be in the Cairo Editore bookstore and on newsstands from tomorrow. theCorriere della Sera (10 euros + price of the newspaper). A book that is the result of years of study and experience. To be read at once and appreciated month after month. “It is always useful to carry out checks as time goes by – confirms Fox -. In the horoscope we continue and we will continue reading which signs are better and those that will have more difficulties than others, regardless of the sad condition that society is going through. The link between the stars and reality is strong, but the stars go their own way despite everything.
A more sustainable and ecological life
Any anticipation? «It will be a complex year, conditioned by a concentration of planets in Aquarius, a sign of revolution and chaos but also of a new vision of life. The presence of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius will bring difficulties with a peak around February 11, a month that can change the destiny of many. 2021 will push us to realize the idea of a more sustainable and ecological existence. For him Messenger Service Paolo Fox also anticipates the characteristics of the twelve signs of the zodiac.
In 2020 it was one of the most harassed signs but luckily Aries never gives up. For him, after two difficult years, the time has finally come to start thinking about new projects and creating something innovative. Next year will give room for a major renovation.
With the new year you will have to be careful with money, useless expenses, waste. You will have to avoid gambling and you could end up in useless or superfluous relationships. Ultimately, it will take care of the concrete.
This is one of the signs that in times of great difficulty you can find your way to success. 2021 is about breakthroughs in all areas of your life, including sentimental. Jupiter will support and aid the recovery.
Saturn is no longer opposite! Many have been forced to start from scratch, and not just because of the current social crisis. For this sign, the confirmation comes for the summer: to leave with more enthusiasm.
He has faced new situations since the second half of last year. For Leo it is better not to take risky measures, 2021 is a year of conservation; no to the competition and the pharaonic projects. The invitation is to cut everything down and show firmness.
There are no great tours in 2021, the Virgin will have to follow the path already traced in the last months of 2020 but in the summer she will have to clear some doubts of love.
An interregnum period is ending in which it was necessary to change tasks, roles, schedules. 2021 brings stability, confirmation and determination.
In February, it will be difficult to keep your nerves. In 2021, those born under this sign will develop a strong rebellion that must be managed with great care. Possible changes at work.
Many projects that have been blocked in recent months will be restarted and there will be new possibilities even on a sentimental level. Creativity is back for Sagittarius!
The years of crisis also serve to develop a deep awareness of oneself: there will be affirmations and consents, important projects.
A revolutionary sign! The desire to change life is strong and the need arises to find a new lifestyle: by destiny or choice, you should not be afraid to change many points of reference.
A two-year period of great strength begins, not without satisfaction. 2021 is the year of the throw-in. Even after a recent separation.
November 4, 2020 (change November 4, 2020 | 19:35)