The president of the Giunta comments on the government’s election: “The closure could have been avoided, an unfair decision.” Appeal to citizens: “respect the laws, even the unjust ones”
“At 8pm tonight, Minister Speranza informed me by phone that the Council of Ministers had decided to declare the entire Calabria region a “red zone”. I learned this with dismay, anger and dismay. I am thinking of the tens of thousands of companies that will be forced to close their doors and, in my opinion, without a valid reason; I am thinking of the two million Calabrians who are deprived of the most elementary personal freedoms; I get angry, because all this could have been avoided, if only the Government had listened to my repeated appeals that, card in hand, I made – in the last days and until the last hours – to try to convince those who, in fact, already they had done. abundantly convinced independently“This is what the acting President of the Calabrian Council declares: Nino Spirlì, with regard to the government’s decision to declare the entire region a “red zone”. “It’s an attempt Spirlì States – turn their backs on the Calabrians, who will not kneel even this time, as they never did. It is an unfair decision that unites us to territories that are much more in crisis, rewarding – and I do not regret it, on the contrary – other regions that live in the same conditions as us. An institutional deafness, that towards our region, unjustified, suspicious, which manifests itself doubly with the strangeness of a Calabrian Decree – punitive of our health – placed as the only point of discussion on the agenda of a Council of Ministers in which they have flown great words and in which dissensions and abstentions have been expressed ”. “If I were not a person free from prejudice – the interim president of the Region concludes – you might suspect prejudice against us. I ask the Calabrians to respect the laws, even when they are unfair. These two weeks will soon end and, thanks to our final results, we will disprove all the lies that have been told about our region in recent days. Courage, we will: we are Calabrian ”. The acting president’s part The respite It seems very sad compared to how we were used to Jole santelli, always ready to intervene and defend her land in a brave and optimistic way.