
In the end, Giuseppe Conte decided that it was necessary to put a point and end it with meetings, remote meetings, phone calls from Minister Boccia to this or that regional president. It begins tomorrow with Italy divided into three zones and with the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza who monitors, listens and then decides in which band to insert regions and territories. After two weeks of negotiations and dpcm, Giuseppe Conte is convinced that he has put in place an automatic mechanism that for a time should relieve him of pressure, alarms from virologists and concerns of ministers.
New Dpcm from tomorrow
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However, the second half of a very tough match has not yet started because, although the Prime Minister insists a lot at the press conference on Minister Speranza who decides to “listen to the regions”, it is clear that the battle with the ” governors “who feel penalized is only at the beginning. “Once the system of restrictive measures is shared,” Conte explains, “the consequences are automatic, because they are based on predefined and objective criteria that escape any negotiation. It is not possible to negotiate or haggle in the shoes of citizens, neither Hope nor the presidents of the different regions. However, they are the negotiations that lasted until mid-afternoon with the presidents of the region, especially Lombard Fontana and Ligurian Toti, to discuss criteria and parameters. An arm fight to which Conte gave a cut last night by allowing the postponement of a day to empty the refrigerator and align the entry into operation of the measures with the decree “restorations-bis”. Before bending the contagion curve, Conte had to bend the regional presidents who called for restrictive measures, as long as they were national, to protect himself from accusations and comparisons with more virtuous regions.
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But the inclusion of Lombardy when, according to the FI parent company Maria Stella Gelmini, “there is no transparency about the mechanisms that define the gangs,” deepens the furrow with the opposition that has two parties out of three with Lombard leaders: Berlusconi and Salvini. The dispute, in a hectic day in which a decree approved the night before later slipped, was all in the decisions made on the data of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità from the previous week. Conte admits it, although he says that it is “not technical”, but justifies the choice with the need to have an adequate period of time in which the ISS worked. The commitment of Conte and his majority for a region that will be called to vote next year to renew the mayor and governor of Milan, is remarkable even if the data on the spread of the pandemic speak for themselves.
“The markets believe in what we do” and although “I never said there will be a Christmas with parties, dinners, kisses and hugs, I think – says Conte – that by respecting the rules, we can arrive with a margin of serenity.”
In addition to Lombardy in the red band, with a substantial blocking, are Piedmont, Calabria and Valle d’Aosta. Two in the intermediate zone, orange, with less rigorous measures: Puglia and Sicilia. Finally, in the yellow band, with a series of limitations less severe than all the others, starting from Lazio, Abruzzo, Campania, Marche and Emilia-Romagna. What are the differences between the different bands? In the yellow regions, curfew at 10 at night (without reason and self-certification you will not be able to circulate), distance learning in high school, capacity reduced to 50 percent in public transport. In the orange regions, the same measures as the yellow ones were taken but they also prohibited roundtrip trips, the transfer to another municipality other than the one of residence, bars and closed restaurants was also prohibited (but allowed takeout and home delivery) .
In the reds, all the limitations provided for the oranges apply, but in fact there will be a confinement since you will not be able to leave the house (except for work and health reasons), the shops closed, distance learning will also be done in the first two years of averages.
Compared to the scenario of the last few days, drawn up from the last report from the control room of the Ministry of Health that on Friday had evaluated the 21 indicators, something has changed: Campania finished in the yellow band, for example, as than Liguria. Lombardy and Piedmont argue that they have been included in the red band, despite the Rt above 2. Governor Attilio Fontana explained: “They are judging us on the old data, because our transmission rate is already below 2”.
The same reasoning from Piedmont, but the technicians in the control room had a double problem in providing the instructions to the Minister of Health Speranza, who had to write the ordinance: not only does the data take a still photograph of last week, but of some regions are incomplete. If you are going to see the report, the wording “not assessable” precisely because not all the necessary data have been transmitted – hospitalizations, diagnostic times, swabs, personnel dedicated to monitoring – appears for example for the Aosta Valley which has not provided for weeks accurate data. Even Liguria and Campania, for a week, did not provide capillarity data. The positioning of Campania (even yesterday more than 4,000 new cases) in the lowest risk range is surprising: formally the indicators, in whose entirety the control room has raised a problem, do not indicate a high risk, but worrying news arrives from the hospitals.
The next report will arrive tomorrow, but to be promoted in a lower risk area, however, the Regions will have to wait at least 14 days. To complete the scenario, yesterday’s data substantially confirming a cooling of the curve (another 30,550 positive cases out of 211,831 swabs) that continues to rise, but less unstoppable than two weeks ago when the figure doubled every seven days. After yesterday’s peak, with more than 200 admissions to intensive care, there was a slowdown, 67 more occupied places, but the number of deaths is still very high for the second day in a row, 352. Gianni Rezza, general director of Prevention confirms the Ministry from Health: «We have had a strong increase in the number of cases of positivity to Sars-CoV-2 that approximately doubles every week. Now we see some stabilization at quite high levels, around 30,000 cases a day. We hope to see some positive signs in the next 2 weeks.
Last update: 02:45