curfew from 10pm. What can and cannot be done from sports to going out with the dog


Dpcm, curfew from 10pm to 5am: it is forbidden to go out even with the dog

The restrictions imposed by the Dpcm Just Launched. With the intention of remaining in force at least until December 3, they diversify into 3 increasingly restrictive bands: yellow (national standard given the absence of green regions), orange (Puglia and Sicily) and red (Piedmont, Lombardy, Valle d ‘Aosta and Calabria). Probably the most invasive measure for everyone is the curfew: from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. it will not be possible to leave the house if not by necessity it is tried with a self-certification. During those hours it is also forbidden to take the dog to urinate.

READ ALSO DPCM, Conte illustrates the new measures in force since November 6

ALSO READ Dpcm, Red, Orange and Yellow Regions: From Stores to Travel, What Can (and Can’t) Be Done. Measurements from Friday

Duration, the new measures until December. What happens next

The new Dpcm goes into effect tomorrow and expires on December 3. The text imposes restrictions at the national level – yellow band – such as 100% distance education for secondary schools, the closure of shopping centers on weekends and the limit of 50% of the capacity for buses and subways but above all the touch curfew. In act from 10pm to 5am, it can only be infringed for reasons of health, work or necessity (do not walk with the dog or run outdoors). The limitations become stricter in the Regions in the orange and red bands. At the end of December, depending on the available data, the measures may or may not be confirmed. In any case, if the data in these areas is better for 14 days, it will be considered a relaxation.

On a trip, can I leave my municipality? And from my region?

The answer changes according to the “color” attributed to the Regions. In the yellow territories (except for different local indications) there are no limitations, even at the municipal level. On the contrary, within the orange and red zones it is prohibited to enter and leave not only the regional borders, but also those of the municipality of residence itself. In addition, in the red zones the curfew limitations will also be extended to daytime hours and it will not be possible to circulate except for reasons of work, study, health or proven need. Therefore, visits are denied to non-partners, even if they are related.
It should be remembered that everywhere the filling of public transport is reduced to 50%.

Commerce, shopping, dining out, going to the pharmacy: yes or no?

Food stores (such as pharmacies, newsagents, and tobacconists) are not restricted. Therefore, it will be possible to go shopping without particular problems. Only in the red zones, however, do all retail stores (except hair salons and beauticians) also close. It should be noted that throughout the country the shopping centers are closed during the weekend (not the food stores, pharmacies, newsstands and tobacconists inside them).
Bars and restaurants, for their part, remain open until 6:00 p.m. in the yellow zone (throughout the country) with home delivery and take-out until 10:00 p.m. In the orange and red areas, on the other hand, activities are suspended except dining rooms and catering, home deliveries take until 10 pm.

Education, what changes for colleges, high schools and middle schools?

100% distance education for secondary schools throughout Italy. this is the main measure relative to the school contained in the Dpcm. For primary and secondary schools, on the other hand, the activity is maintained in presence but with the mandatory use of masks (except for children under 6 years of age).
As for schools located within the red zones, however, it will be necessary to extend remote digital lessons to second and third grade students and teachers as well. Not only that, even college classrooms will be fully moving online again.
It should also be noted that, since the entry into force, all bankruptcy proceedings (except those in the health sector) are suspended and, therefore, also the stabilization tests for precarious teachers already in progress.

Leisure, is it allowed to visit museums? And practice sports outdoors?

After the closure of gyms and swimming pools, the government also intervenes in outdoor physical activity. Regarding other measures of the new Dpcm, however, for the jog in the park things change according to the color of the Region. Yes, in the yellow and orange zone it is possible to do individual sports outdoors (contact and indoor sports are prohibited) but not during lockdown hours. In the red zone, on the other hand, it is only “allowed to carry out individual motor activities in the vicinity of the house provided that in any case the distance is at least one meter from any other person and with the obligation to use respiratory protection devices” .
As for the world of culture, the last Dpcm also closed museums and exhibitions. Same luck for casinos, bingo halls and betting rooms (even if they are located in bars and tobacconists).

Last updated: 22:56

