Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte’s press conference began at 8:20 p.m. and clarified the content of the Dpcm published today in the Official Gazette, answering the many questions that Italians were asking about the new restrictions and the new red, orange and yellow areas. The measures come into effect from midnight on Friday, November 6, 2020 (and until December 3, inclusive) and are different depending on the 3 risk areas identified by the Ministry of Health based on a series of parameters that plot the Coronavirus infection curve. : rossa zone (high risk), orange area (medium-high risk) and yellow zone (moderate risk). The Marches are in the yellow zone, where the risk is still there and is increasing, but not like in the other regions (HERE THE MAP OF ITALY).
What’s changing in Brands: circulation
It is forbidden to circulate from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., except for proven work, need and health reasons. Recommendation not to travel except for reasons of work, health, study, situations of need. What are situations of need? All those situations in which if I do not move, I suffer a measurable material or moral damage, such as the need to sign a document at the notary’s office, otherwise money is lost, perhaps that of a deposit for the purchase of a good . .
Shops, malls, museums and exhibitions
Shopping centers are closed on holidays and the days before holidays (Saturdays and Sundays) with the exception of pharmacies, health centers, food outlets, tobacconists and newsstands inside. Museums and exhibitions are also closed.
School and dad
Distance education for secondary schools, except for students with disabilities and in case of use of laboratories; Face-to-face teaching for kindergartens, primary and secondary schools. Colleges closed, except for some freshman activities and labs.
Public transport
Reduction up to 50% except school transportation.
Playful activities
Suspension of arcade, betting, bingo and slot machine activities, including in bars and tobacconists.
Bars and restaurants
Bars and restaurants close at 6 pm Take-out is allowed until 10 pm There are no restrictions on home delivery.
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Gyms and theaters
Gyms and swimming pools, theaters and cinemas remain closed. The sports centers remain open.