The Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, after the approval of the new decree that divides the Italian regions into three zones: yellow, orange and red, with different provisions based on 21 parameters linked to the Covid-19 epidemic, spoke at a press conference .
Italy divided into three bands in the last decree of the Conte government: yellow, orange and red.
“The virus is circulating throughout Europe, strongly and violently. The Rt index rose to 1.7, this is a national average in some regions is higher. It is true, the number of asymptomatic patients is increasing, the number of “patients” in intensive care decreases, but it is true that the global numbers are constantly increasing and carry a high probability that many regions will exceed the critical thresholds of intensive care already in the next weeks “and get into trouble. We must necessarily intervene to stop the course of the virus.”
Today, compared to the first wave, “We have an articulated monitoring plan” built on “21 parameters, which is our compass and tells us where to intervene”, with less or “more restrictive” measures. If, on the other hand, we had adopted unique measures throughout the territory, we would have had a double negative effect, adopting, on the one hand, measures that were not sufficiently effective in the higher risk areas and, on the other hand, introducing them in an unreasonably restrictive way. Italy is divided into three zones, yellow, orange and red ”.
And then: “All these measures” will start “together from Friday” and then “With future orders from the Minister of Health based on updating the risk conditions. These are non-arbitrary and discretionary ordinances because they will incorporate the results of the periodic monitoring carried out jointly by the Higher Institute of Health, the Ministry of Health and representatives of the Regions and also shared with Cts ”.
Starting Friday, November 6, Italy will be divided into three zones, based on the criticality of the pandemic defined by the ISS monitoring data.
RED BAND, HIGH CRITICALITY: Calabria, Lombardy, Piedmont and Valle
YELLOW BAND: in this band are all the other regions: Abruzzo, Basilicata, Campania, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Marche, Molise, Province of Trento and Bolzano, Sardinia, Tuscany, Umbria and Veneto.
Among the most drastic measures taken by the government and aimed exclusively at the regions included in the red zones, is the stop to travel: even those within the same territories are prohibited. You can leave home only for proven work needs or situations of need or for health reasons. In any case, the movements strictly necessary to ensure the realization of face-to-face teaching are allowed within the limits in which it is allowed. In addition, retail commercial activities are suspended, except for the sale of food products, pharmacies, parapharmacies, tobacconists, kiosks and gas stations. Restaurants, bars, pubs, ice cream parlors and patisseries are also closed but you can continue with home delivery and take away. Stop for all activities related to the person and the beauticians but the hairdressers remain open. Sports activities are suspended, including those of sports centers and clubs, even if they are carried out outdoors. In any case, individual motor activities are allowed in the vicinity of the home, provided that in any case the distance is at least one meter from any other person and with the obligation of a mask. It is also allowed to carry out sports activities exclusively outdoors and individually. Regarding schools, second and third grades in distance education as well as secondary schools and universities. Industries, activities related to crafts, construction and services, as well as elementary and sixth grade schools, remain open.
The orange level refers to regions “characterized by a scenario of high severity and a high level of risk”. Here, in addition to the measures valid from November 6 (and until December 3) throughout Italy, citizens must comply with other restrictions. If a region enters the orange tier, these additional restrictions will remain in effect for at least 15 days. Orange level measurements include travel limits. The entry and exit of these regions is prohibited, except for trips motivated by “proven needs”: work, health and emergency reasons. Transfers “strictly necessary to ensure the realization of face-to-face teaching” are still allowed. Return to your home or residence is also allowed. With regard to travel between municipalities, any movement, by public or private means of transport, in a municipality other than that of residence, domicile or home is prohibited. Also in this case, the movement is allowed for the usual “proven needs”. Also, in the orange areas, bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries are closed. The dining rooms and catering remain open. Catering is allowed with home delivery and, until 10.00 pm, to take away (with prohibition of consumption on site or nearby).
In the yellow zone, the measures established by the government for the entire national territory are valid, without major restrictions, therefore, aimed at differentiating these regions from those considered to be at higher risk. Among the essential rules are: the obligation to wear a mask when leaving the house and the prohibition to leave the house between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. (you can only leave for work, health or need reasons). Shopping centers have also been closed on holidays and the eve of holidays, but inside food stores, pharmacies, parapharmacies and kiosks remain open. Exhibitions, museums and bingo halls are also closed. Regarding public transport, the reduced capacity of 50% has been confirmed throughout the territory, while the school will be teaching distance classes from the high school. Displacements are allowed both within and outside the municipality. It is also allowed to reach another region as long as it is also included in the green band.
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Below is a summary of the measures planned by the Dpcm for schools.
Measures in force throughout the national territory:
- At second grade high schools 100% of the activities will be developed through the use of integrated digital teaching. Without prejudice to the possibility of carrying out face-to-face activities for the use of laboratories or to guarantee the effective school inclusion of students with disabilities and, in general, with special educational needs.
- At preschool, in those of First cycle education (primary and lower secondary) and in educational services for children educational activities will continue to be carried out In presence, with mandatory use of respiratory protection devices, except for children under 6 years of age and for people with pathologies or disabilities incompatible with the use of the mask.
- the meetings of the collegiate bodies they can only take place at a distance. Its renewal, scheduled for this period, will also be carried out remotely, in compliance with the principles of secrecy and freedom to participate in elections.
- I stay suspended educational trips, exchange or twinning initiatives, guided visits and training outings, except for activities related to the transversal competences and orientation itineraries (PCTO).
- The Dpcm suspends “the performance of pre-screening and written tests of public and private competition procedures.” As of tomorrow and until next December 3, therefore, the tests of the extraordinary contest for first and second grade high school, which will anyway be reschedule. Meanwhile, to date, more than 60% of the candidates have already taken the tests. The Ministry will initiate the correction of the documents of the procedures already carried out.
Measures for territories with more serious scenarios:
In areas that should be characterized by scenarios of “high severity and high level of risk”, which will be identified by order of the Ministry of Health, the same measures provided for at the national level will be applied to schools.
Dpcm provides more restrictive measures for the school in areas that, however, should be characterized by a scenario of “Maximum severity and high level of risk”. These areas must always be identified with a specific order from the Minister of Health.
For teaching, in case of more restrictive measures:
- The school will continue to attend from childhood, I educational services for children, the primary and the first year of high school first grade. The teaching activities in the rest of the cases will be carried out exclusively remotely.
- However the possibility of carrying out activities in presence if it is necessary to use laboratories or guarantee the effective school inclusion of students with disabilities and in general with special educational needs.
The provisions of the Decree apply from the date of November 5, 2020, replacing those of the Dpcm of October 24, 2020, and are effective until December 3, 2020.