“It is unacceptable that decisions are made on old data”


“The assessments must be made on the basis of updated data to date, taking into account the restrictions already adopted in Lombardy, the sacrifices already made by the Lombards in these ten days to contain the spread of the virus, and of which we register an improvement initial”. This is what the governor of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fontana, asked through a post on Facebook on the afternoon of Wednesday, November 4.

In Lombardy, the coronavirus epidemic is expanding: the figures in an absolute sense are growing, as the daily bulletins show, but they are growing more slowly than in recent days. It is math pure and simple and you can see it in the graphs.

As of the afternoon of Wednesday, November 4, it was unclear when the government decree would go into effect. And on this point Mayor Sala had criticized the executive: ““ Dear Government, it is 6 in the afternoon, a Milanese bar is closing and it still does not know if it will be able to reopen tomorrow at 6 in the morning. When will we let you know? “The mayor of Milan had tweeted.

Around 7:00 p.m., a clarification arrived: “All the new rules provided for by the last Dpcm -the ones reserved for the yellow, orange and red areas- will be in force as of Friday, November 6. The government has decided to allow all time to organize their own activities. ” A press conference with the Prime Minister is also scheduled at 20.20.

At the moment, however, it is not clear which band Lombardy will be in. In fact, the decision rests with the Ministry of Health and is based on the analysis of 21 indicators by the national technical-scientific committee. “From our information, the last evaluation of the CTS Monitoring Cabinet with the analysis of 21 parameters dates back to about 10 days ago,” said Governor Fontana.

The newsletter for Wednesday, November 4

On Wednesday, November 4, another 7,758 cases were detected throughout the Region (compared to 43,716 swabs). Another 3,613 people positive for the virus were found between Milan and its interior. The data was disclosed by Civil Protection with the usual bulletin.

In the last 24 hours there have been another 32 hospitalizations of people with severe respiratory failure in intensive care; in total, intensive care units are treating 507 cases. The number of beds occupied by less seriously ill patients increased by 278 to a total of 5,018. In hospitals in the region there are a total of 5,525 people affected by SarsCov2.

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The trail of death caused by the virus is lengthening. In a single day he killed 96 other people; the (official) total reached 17,848.
