Bologna, November 4, 2020 – Fight against the coronavirus, here is the long-awaited subdivision of the regions by risk bands contained in the new Dpcm and announced by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. Emilia-Romagna is part of the maxi-yellow zone of the country (previously green, according to the subdivision circulated at the beginning), that is, the one in which the softer limitations. The ordinance of the Ministry of Health provides for this, which places the individual Regions in the different risk bands according to the new Dpcm signed by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and valid from Friday, November 6 to December 3.
The Covid focus, the Emilia Romagna newsletter
Yellow zone: moderate criticality
In the yellow zone with moderate criticality, with theEmilia romagna also fall Market, Abruzzo, Basilicata, Campania, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Molise, the province of Trento and Bolzano, Sardinia, Tuscany, Umbria and Veneto ..
Dpcm, Conte has signed. All sizes – New Dpcm, Regions against Conte – New Dpcm, Emilia Romagna between the orange and green zone
New Dpcm, yellow zone: here are the rules in Emilia Romagna
Prohibition to move from 10pm to 5am: You will not be able to leave home except for work, health or emergency reasons. Self-certification will be required. It is still “highly recommended” to avoid all unnecessary trips
Closed (after cinemas and theaters) too museums and exhibitions
On holidays and days before holidays malls closed (mass media and large distribution) with the exception of pharmacies, food, tobacconists and kiosks.
Shops, bars and restaurants
Stores, restaurants and bars stay open until 6 pm Of course, all necessary hand spacing and sanitation regulations remain in effect. The 6pm limit does not apply, but is limited to your customers, the restaurant business in Hotels and in other accommodation facilities. the catering to take away until 10pm and the delivery without time limits. No time limits even in service areas and refuel along the roads, in hospitals me airports. Banking, financial and insurance services, as well as activities in the agricultural and agri-food sector are also guaranteed.
distance education at 100% in secondary schools (now it was 75%). The possibility of face-to-face activities if necessary use laboratories o ensure the effective inclusion of students with disability or special educational needs. Lessons remain In presence in kindergarten and first cycle schools, but with mandatory use of mask except for children under six years of age and people with incompatible diseases. On the other hand, the educational and curricular activities of the college, except for those in the first year of studies and laboratory. Educational trips and educational trips are also suspended.
Buses and other means of public transport
Sui public transport filling rate no more than 50%.
The celebration of try out pre-selection and drafting of insolvency proceedings public and private and authorized to exercise professions “with the exception of the cases in which the evaluation of the candidates is carried out exclusively in a curricular or electronic way”.
Rsa and first aid
Family and visitor access to healthcare residences (Rsa), hospices, rehabilitation facilities and residential facilities for the elderly and people with disabilities is limited to cases indicated by the health department, which must take the necessary measures to prevent forms of transmission of the infection.
the ban on staying in the emergency room waiting room to accompany patients.
Activities of the type rehabilitative and therapeutic provided by pools, spas and thermal, as well as those that are within the essential levels of assistance. It is allowed to play physical activity and outdoor sports or in the conditioned areas of public parks, respecting the interpersonal distance of at least one meter and two meters respectively. Sports events of national interest as defined in a Coni deed are still allowed, both for individual and collective sports, but without the presence of the public. TO closed doors also training sessions for athletes, both professionals and non-participants in these competitions.
Closed bingo and betting rooms. Stop too slot machine even in bars and tobacconists.
Fairs, parties and festivals
The conventions are suspended, with the exception of those held remotely. Also stop festivals and fairs. Parties are also prohibited indoors and outdoors. including those resulting from civil and religious ceremonies. In homes private strongly recommended you don’t receive people different from the cohabitants. Access to places of worship is only allowed with organizational measures that avoid gatherings, as well as for religious functions.
Self certification
The return of the Covid self-certification is confirmed (download the Pdf). It will also be necessary for the Municipalities included in the yellow zones for those who want to leave after 10pm, the time at which curfew all over Italy.
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