Now the decision is official: Sicily is an orange zone, the second level of limitation foreseen by the new Dpcm. This was announced at a press conference by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. As it had already been leaked yesterday, as of Friday the island will stop, therefore, bars and restaurants (which, on the other hand, in the yellow areas, the mildest, operate until 6 in the afternoon). Pubs, ice cream parlors and patisseries are also closed, but canteens and catering remain active, as well as all catering with home delivery. Green light also to take away, but only until 10 at night and with the prohibition of consuming in the place or near the restaurant.
The exceptions to this rule are the restaurants on the highway, the refreshment points of the hospitals and the airports. It is also prohibited “any movement with public and private means of transport in a municipality other than that of residence” except for work, study, health and necessity: leaving your municipality, however, you are allowed to reach services that do not exist in your own a center of residence (for example, countries without a bank). The schools model remains unchanged: distance education would be obligatorily applied only to secondary schools, with the possibility of continuing in presence until the eighth grade. Except, however, the hairdressers and wellness centers, while, as in fact in all regions, the stop of museums and exhibitions arrives, the closure of shopping centers on weekends (when, however, pharmacies and the kiosks will remain open) and the curfew from 10 to 5, when moving must self-certify a reason for health, work or need.