It is the main novelty that is expected from new Dpcm: the Italian territory will be divided into three risk areas (with increasing restrictions) according to 21 epidemiological criteria established by the Higher Institute of Health. The Ministry of Health must place each Region in one of the three boxes: yellow, orange and red – with a specific ordinance (after having listened to the respective governors). But the decision, sources close to Speranza know, it won’t be taken until friday. So much so that the entire dpcm, Palazzo Chigi clarifies, will come into force as of November 6 and no more from the 5th. In the meantime, therefore, the current rules will remain in effect for everyone.
Based on what has been leaked so far, the regions most at risk are the Lombardy and the Piedmont, but also the Calabria given the weakness of its health system. Difficult situation, but not yet critical, in Puglia me Sicily, as well as Veneto, Aosta Valley me Liguria. The truth is that no territory has zero risk, we cannot speak of any “green zone”: the first zone designed by the executive (renamed “yellow” by the press to avoid confusion) provides for a curfew at 10pm and restaurants closed from 6:00 p.m. In the second, there is a prohibition to travel from the Municipality itself, in addition to the lockout of bars and restaurants, while in the third there is a emergency shutdown not very different from the previous one spring. The measures will be valid “for a minimum period of 15 days“.
Yellow regions – The document on which Minister Speranza’s decisions will be based to classify each Region is the one prepared by the ISS, by the ministry’s technicians and by the local authorities on October 12. In fact, several risk scenarios in relation to the trend of the epidemic curve, up to the dreaded scenario 4 which implies an “uncontrolled transmissibility with criticality in the health system In the short term. “Hence the idea of dividing Italy into three areas (yellow, orange and red) with increasingly strict rules. As for the first band, the softest, as of November 5, the curfew from 10 pm to 5 am: overnight “only trips motivated by test are allowed work needs, of situations of need that’s for health reasons“Stay” strongly recommended“During the whole day” do not move “except for real needs, as well as the closure of bars and restaurants from 6 pm After that time, as established by the last dpcm, only take away food and home delivery An additional incentive is also provided to smart work, the closure of movies me museums, the stop ai malls nei weekend, the maximum occupancy at 50 percent on regional buses and trains, distance education for all high school students and the mandatory mask on the counter even for the little ones.
Orange regions – To the restrictions listed so far, in the Orange Regions “characterized by a high gravity stage and with a high level of risk ”, others are added. Raising the total blocking of bars and restaurants (always subject to delivery and to take away), in addition to the prohibition of “any movement through public and private transport in a municipality other than that of residence, domicile or domicile “except for work, study, health and necessities. Obviously, Italian citizens living in other regions are authorized to”transitIn risk areas, provided they must “reach other territories not subject to restrictions.” It is always allowed to accompany children to school.
Red regions – The worst case scenario involves some kind of soft lock: at school, only face-to-face teaching is allowed up to sixth grade (included). Also for him college lessons are taught online. Besides the restaurants shops close, but libraries, stationery stores and other outlets such as pet food and sporting goods (list here). Save also Barber Shop and barbers, contrary to the provisions of a first draft of the dpcm. Regarding mobility, “any movement is prohibited inside and outside the territories, as much as within them, except for movements motivated by proven work needs or situations of need or for health reasons ”. To read the provision, therefore, it seems necessary self certification be able to leave home, although the undersecretary of health Sandra Zampa stated that it is not mandatory for now. Always allowed return to your municipality domicile or residence and the possibility of accompanying their children to school. Motor activity authorized “near the own house provided that in any case respect the distance of at least one meter from any other person and with the obligation to use protection devices respiratory tract “. All this provided that the sport is developed” exclusively outdoor and individually “.