Self-certification is back. Click here and download the form


As anticipated in the draft of the new Dpcm, the form of self certification so loved by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and by the members of the Giallorossi executive, who continue to support him despite the evident and continuous creaking that is registered in the majority. (Click here to download the form)

The paper form, which will be printed and completed in its entirety in the event of police controls placed on alert to control the movements of citizens, should become fashionable again together with the new type of blockade (that the so-called targeted), which they divided the boot into different colored areas according to the theoretical level of risk of contagion. Self-certification will be used to move around during business hours. curfew imposed by the government starting tomorrow, Thursday, November 5, and at least until next Thursday, December 3, then from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.

Those who are forced to travel must, therefore, define the reasons for this urgent need, essentially the same ones that we already knew last March, that is, work, health or situations of urgent and irrevocable need. If so change in case of being connected to an emergency, it should not be mandatory to also enter the name of the person to meet, apparently for privacy reasons.

If you give “yellow areas”, in which the limits for citizens are less strict (since it is allowed to move between regions at least if the destination is of the same color and risk range), it goes to the “orange” me “Red”, the speech should change.

For the first, also defined as “medium-high risk”In fact, it is prohibited to move from one region to another, unless the same needs mentioned above are demonstrated, or for reasons of work, health or extreme need. For the latter, also renamed “high risk”It is not only forbidden to move between regions, but also between municipalities and provinces within the same regional territory, unless there are the usual needs. For these last two areas, therefore, self-certification would be necessary to officially document these needs to the police forces deployed in the territory to carry out the controls.

That, however, there is a bit of confusion in the executive seems readable between the lines of what the Undersecretariat of Health declared in “The whole city talks about it”, broadcast on RaiRadio 3 frequencies.“At the moment there has been no indication. Conte said he was against it, but whoever has to go to the red zone for mandatory reasons will still have to prove it.”, has explained Sandra Zampa, as reported by LaPresse, speaking of the document itself.

“The Italian citizens are psychologically very tired, but they must not lose hope. We are heading in the right direction”added the undersecretary.“The country cannot afford a total generalized blockade, we cannot. There are areas where more restrictive measures had to be taken and at this point they are taken automatically, when a certain area is entered based on some indices. All. together we now know that if certain indices are activated, we automatically enter an area that implies, without further discussion, more serious restrictions “He concluded.
