“Particularly hectic hours.” Giovanni Rezza chose these words to start the press conference of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Iss). An expected conference, given that it arrives just before the entry into force of the new Dpcm that will inaugurate the season of emergency shutdown regional (or provincial). The first data that Rezza, general director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health, cites are those of tampons. At the moment, the percentage of positive patients out of the total of cases analyzed exceeds 10%. The objective of the ISS is to reach 200000 tampons per day. After a decrease in new cases in recent days, today the number of infections by Coronavirus has once again exceeded the quota 30 thousand, with 352 victims.
“The trend seems to show a certain stabilization but we still do not know if we can see the effects of some measures taken, such as the dpcm and some regional ordinances on the continued use of masks,” explains Rezza. The hottest topic, however, will come soon. The first question in the press room is about the regions: it is not yet known with certainty which red zones will be in which the measures decided by the government will be comparable to a new one emergency shutdown. Rezza explained that it is not yet possible to define automatisms: once all the values have been collected, it will still be necessary to decide on a case-by-case basis.
Net of this, the names of the regions in which the epidemic is more present are those that have been circulating for days: «The most affected regions are Lombardy, Piedmont and Campania, which register many positives. They are regions that in terms of incidence rate are quite high, more or less at the level of Lombardy. The incidence is also high in Veneto, while in Lazio we see a slight increase, but it seems quite gradual. Then there are the smaller regions like Umbria with about 500 cases, which in terms of incidence in the population is quite high.
On the cover ANSA / Riccardo Antimiani | Giovanni Rezza, Director of the ISS Department of Infectious Diseases, during the press conference on Coronavirus at the Istituto Superiore di Sanita ‘, Rome, January 29, 2020.
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