There are 2,432 positive cases in Covid in Lazio, an increase compared to yesterday (+223) by more than 26,000 swabs today in Lazio. There are 34 dead and 144 recovered (-98). The ratio of positives to swabs is 9% and the RT value has been reduced to 1.29. “Beyond the colors of the bands, the important thing is to stay focused and cool the curve. It is still an uphill phase and it will be long, ”says Lazio health advisor Alessio D’Amato. There are 1,247 new cases in Rome.
Rome more than a thousand positives, the critical threshold of beds exceeded
Covid Rome, doctor swabs: from Eur to Primavalle, 310 outpatient visits. The first rapid test kits have arrived
The detail of the ASL
In ASL Roma 1 there are 456 cases in the last 24 hours and they are isolated cases at home or with a family link or contact of an already known case. There are four deaths of 79, 80, 86 and 90 years with pathologies. In ASL Roma 2, there are 440 cases in the last 24 hours and they are isolated cases at home or with family ties or contact with a known case. One hundred and sixty-two cases identified on the recommendation of the GP. There are nine deaths of 66, 69, 74, 75, 84, 84, 87, 90 and 93 years with pathologies. In ASL Roma 3 there are 351 cases in the last 24 hours and they are isolated cases at home or with family ties or contact of a case already known. Twenty-five are hospitalizations. There are three deaths of 76, 77 and 87 years with pathologies.
#Coronavirus: the newsletter of the Lazio Region of # 4 November. #Health
Posted by Salute Lazio on Wednesday, November 4, 2020
In ASL Roma 4 there are 117 cases in the last 24 hours and they are isolated cases at home or with family ties or contact with a known case. In ASL Roma 5, there are 162 cases in the last 24 hours and they are isolated cases at home or with family ties or contact with a known case. There are four deaths of 65, 66, 72, 89 years with pathologies. In ASL Roma 6 there are 200 cases in the last 24 hours and it is a case of return from Lombardy and isolated cases at home or with a family link or contact of an already known case. There are three deaths of 71, 83 and 88 years with pathologies. In the provinces there are 706 cases and eleven deaths in the last 24 hours. In Latina ASL there are 146 new cases and they are isolated cases at home or with a family link or contact of an already known case. There are four deaths of 75, 77, 83 and 94 years with pathologies. In Asl de Frosinone there are 276 new cases and they are isolated cases at home, contacts of an already known case or with family ties. There are three deaths of 80, 84 and 90 years with pathologies. In the ASL of Viterbo there are 229 new cases and they are isolated cases at home or with family ties or contact of an already known case. There are three deaths of 71, 77 and 77 years with pathologies. In the Rieti ASL there are 55 new cases and they are isolated cases at home or with family ties or contact with an already known case. There is a 97-year-old death with pathologies.
Last updated: 17:05