Coronavirus, in Italy another 30,550 positives and 352 victims. Buffers at 211,831


New infections fall in Tuscany but 58 dead

In Tuscany, there have been 58 deaths of coronavirus patients in the last 24 hours. Now the death toll is 1,461. However, today’s report from the Tuscany region shows a decrease in new cases, which are 1,828 (average age 43 years, + 3.6% compared to yesterday) and less than 2,000 that had been exceeded for several days . The swabs made reached 1,148,233 units, 15,086 more than yesterday. The total number of registered cases since the beginning of the epidemic is now 52,815. The current positives are 35,464 (+ 4.6%). There are 1,516 hospitalized (+65 units) of which 197 in intensive care (+7 patients). There are 33,948 people in home isolation with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or without symptoms and another 34,518 in home isolation due to having had contact with infected people.

In Umbria another 496 positives, slows down the number of hospitalized

There are 496, compared to 420 yesterday, new coronavirus positives identified in Umbria last day, 12,056 in total, with 3,985 swabs tested, 311,270. To report the data on its dedicated website is the Region. 211 reported cured, 4,061, and another six deaths, 154, with the current positive going from 7,572 to 7,841. In the hospital setting, the total number of hospitalized patients went from 353 to 356, 49 of which were in intensive care, yesterday there were 48.

Brusaferro (Iss): some regions beyond the admission threshold

“The number of hospitalizations with symptoms is a number that is increasing and deserves attention” and “the same is true of intensive care.” With regard to the occupation of beds in ordinary hospitalization with medicinal air, “some regions have passed the cut-off, others have not, but they are close.” Silvio Brusaferro, president of the Higher Institute of Health (ISS), took stock of the resilience of the system, or the ability to respond to those who develop symptoms, during the hearing at the Chamber’s Social Affairs Committee. The meaning of the cut-off points, or the threshold values ​​defined by the Ministry of Health, is that if we have “more than 40% occupancy of the beds in the medical area for Covid diseases, it means that we must reschedule the deferred health activities to other diseases, so to find a place and prioritize Sars-cov-2 patients. “

Ippolito (Spallanzani): with these numbers essential measures

“With these levels of virus circulation, the measures are not recommended but they are essential”, there is no one that is good for everyone, “you have to see them in practice”, but “it takes courage to make decisions.” The scientific director of the Spallanzani Institute for Infectious Diseases, Giuseppe Ippolito, commented on the measures introduced by the Dpcm that Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has just signed in Agorà en Rai 3. “Yesterday’s figures, with 130 more deaths than the previous day, – he specified – they are a worrying aspect, although they respect a situation from previous days. On the other hand, we have had a significant number of swabs that confirm that around 15% of the people analyzed are positive ”.
