The Dpcm foresees a national “curfew” at 10:00 p.m. Calabria is one of the regions with the greatest possible restrictions. Bars and restaurants closed. Travel is prohibited except for reasons of work, necessity and health

Dpcm signed with the new measures effective from tomorrow and that will remain in force until December 3: Italy is divided into three risk areas and in which epidemiological indices are more critical, such as Lombardy and Piedmont but also Calabria and maybe South Tyrol and Valle d’Aosta – in fact, the blockade will begin as in March, and will be valid for 15 days. This means that it will be possible leave home just to go to work, by do the shopping, for reasons of health or necessity. Physical activity will only be allowed near your home and of course you can leave the house to take the children to school.
The Dpcm includes 12 items and the “curfew” All over the country starts at 22 with the impossibility of move from home Except for proven work reasons, states of need and health reasons. [Continua]

The Dpcm foresees that the toughest measures will have to be adopted by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza “Agree” with the president of the region in question. And this is due to restrictions on “Orange areas” in which the epidemiological curve is compatible with scenario 3 of the Higher Institute of Health, that is, those characterized by a situation “High gravity”, both for those who interest the “red zones”, which are included in scenario 4, where instead there is a situation of “Maximum severity”. The classification of a Region in one of the three indicated scenarios (“red”, “orange” and “green”) in any case, it will be decided by the Ministry of Health by ordinance based on the 21 reference parameters. Some of them have been pointed out by the premier himself: these are the Rt index, outbreaks and the situation of occupation of hospital beds.
Refering to national measures valid for everything you go from “Curfew” at 10 pm to closure Gods malls in Weekend, from the stop to museums and exhibitions to the reduction of 80% to 50% of the capacity in local public transport, from 100% distance learning for high school students in the closure of the gambling and betting corners inside bars and tobacconists.
These interventions will be worth it for all Italy and are added to those already in force, such as bars and restaurants close at 6 pm.

In the regions (as assumed for the Calabria), provinces or municipalities that fall on the stage at “High risk” they are instead travel forbidden incoming and outgoing, as well as trips between municipalities. Both of them the prohibitions will not apply in case of of tested work and study needs, for the sake of greeting, by situation of need and to accompany or resume children at school. Bars and restaurants also closed as well as stores (except for groceries, pharmacies and parapharmacies)
The mask Sara compulsory in primary and secondary school, even when the children are sitting at the desk, “Except for children under the age of six and for people with pathologies or disabilities incompatible with the use of the mask. At red zones Also for the second and third grade will be in effect distance education.
Smart work
At the highest possible level, both in the public administration and in the private sector, and Differentiated personal tickets.

Sports and physical activity
At red zones suspended sports activities, including those of sports halls and clubs, even outdoors. It is allowed to “act individually physical activity near their homes, provided that in any case the distance of at least one meter from any other person is respected and with the obligation of “masks”. Instead you can do “Sports activity exclusively outdoors” and alone. In the rest of Italy sports clubs will remain open, but the use of changing rooms will be prohibited.
Hairdressers, barbers, beauticians
They will stay also open in red areas despite the provisions of the draft.

Stop public and private testing, except for healthcare personnel and also “with the exception of the cases in which the evaluation of the candidates is carried out exclusively in a curricular or electronic form”.
Training courses and driving schools
Public and private courses (except medicine) only with remote mode. Theoretical and practical driving school courses and tests are allowed for civil motorization and driving schools.
Of course it remains to be seen whether anti-Covid bans can be envisaged through a DCPM. Second the most authoritative constitutionalists freedom of movement you can reduce only with decrees and laws validated by Parliament. Each “shortcut”, such as the one included with the DCPM, is constitutionally illegitimate and it should be remembered that all judges So far called to the Courts to decide on the validity of the sanctions raised during the closing of March, they canceled all the fines.
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