New Dpcm, Regions waiting to know their ‘color’


After the long negotiation (and the confrontations between the Government and the Regions) that led to signature on the new Dpcm (attached), now the wait is for know what color the different Regions will be, or in which Covid risk band they will be included based on the valuation calculated in 21 parameters (including the number of symptomatic cases, hospitalizations, RSA cases, the percentage of positive swabs, the average time between symptoms and diagnosis, the number of new outbreaks and the occupation of beds according to actual availability).

From what we learn, theHigher Institute of Health It is processing the updated data, in order to have an image as close as possible to the current reality, and it should make its assessment known this afternoon, around 4 in the afternoon.

Based on the data available at this time, the Fvg should be able to be included among the ‘green’ Regions, that is, those with lower risk.. In our territory, therefore, only the national provisions provided for by the Prime Minister’s Decree of November 3 should apply and no more restrictive measures. But, of course, we will have to wait for the latest evaluations prepared by ISS and the Superior Council of Health.

At the national level, the Dpcm – valid from November 5 to December 3 – establishes, in short, limitations for travel to and from Regions with high risk coefficients and for the movement of people, essentially an “evening curfew”, from 22:00 to 05:00; to exit during this time interval, the self-certification takes effect again.

The first school cycles are still present, while for secondary schools we will move towards 100% distance; stop even at competitions; closing of shopping centers during the holidays and before the holidays; stop at museums and exhibitions; closure of corners dedicated to gambling and betting and reduction of local public transport capacity from 80 to 50%.

Instead, the most restrictive measures based on the risk range will be adopted by order of the Ministry of Health in accordance with the Regions. And at this point, another day of difficult mediations between Rome and the territories began today.
