Red zone, orange and yellow (no longer green): thus Italy, with a color classification, is divided by new Dpcm arriving. The text was signed by Conte and arrives today. The measures will be in force from November 5 to December 3.
As already announced by the Prime Minister in the report to Parliament, the new interventions to contain and mitigate the spread of Covid and prevent the collapse of the health system, including the closure of commercial activities and territorial blockades) will depend on 3 scenarios. Maximum risk: red zones; high risk: orange areas; moderate risk: yellow areas.
The entrances and exits of the Autonomous Regions and Provinces (or parts of them) from the red, orange or yellow strip will be decided with Ordinance of the Ministry of Health according to the president of the corresponding Region, based on the 21 criteria that define a risk coefficient (eg: Rt index, number of symptomatic cases, hospitalizations, RSA cases, bed occupancy based on actual availability. ..) and weekly data monitoring.
“All measures will be effective for a period minimum of 15 days and in any case not later than the effective date of this decree ”, reads the draft. In the next few hours we will know which zone each Region belongs to.
Everything is still to be defined and the situation is very confusing, but let’s see which are, for the moment, the regions that could fall into the red, orange and yellow zone, and the measures planned for each of the 3 scenarios.
New Dpcm: the Red Zone Regions
As we said, the question of the 3 risk bands remains nebulous. According to rumors, the Regions with the highest risk of blockage, where the most restrictive measures will have to be adopted, seem to be in the first place:
- Lombardy
- Piedmont
- Calabria
too Aosta Valley me Bolzano Province special are observed.
The red alert has been triggered for these regions due to the high circulation of the virus, the filling of hospitals, the Rt index and the incidence of contagion per 100,000 inhabitants. Here the risk rating varies from moderate to high.
Measurements for red zones
For the Regions in worst of cases the government waits more restrictive measures and sudden compared to the rest of the country.
Extraordinary interventions range from closing of schools and universities, with activation of distance learning from second grade, to store closings Not essensial. Libraries, Barber Shop ed beauticians would remain open as essential services (supermarkets, groceries, pharmacies, tobacconists …).
Prohibited movements in and out of the territories, as well as within them, except for proven work, health or necessity needs. Returning home or residence and the possibility of accompanying children to school is always allowed.
As tomotor activity, will be allowed only in the vicinity of the house, respecting the distance of at least one meter from others and with mandatory mask. You can do sports but only outdoors and individually.
Regions of the orange zone
The middle band, the “orange”, should refer to:
- Liguria
- Puglia
- Campania
- Veneto
However, there is still uncertainty about the regions to be included in this critical area. Here the risk of increased cases and the stability of the regional health system would lead the government to adopt some measures in the red zone, such as closing of bars and restaurants throughout the day, and not only after 6pm (home delivery would be allowed), 50% local public transport; distance education for high school, curfew from 10 to 5, closing of museums, exhibitions and galleries, and shopping centers on holidays and before holidays.
Yellow zone regions
The yellow zone, the “safest”, is currently the largest and affects 12 Autonomous Regions and Provinces:
- Sicily
- Sardinia
- Basilicata
- Molise
- Lazio
- Abruzzo
- Market
- Umbria
- Emilia romagna
- Tuscany
- Friuli Venezia Giulia
- PA from Trento
Restrictive measures for the yellow zone
For the Regions that will be in the third band, the measures announced by Conte are foreseen for the entire territory, namely:
- shopping centers closed on weekends and holidays
- Curfew from 10pm to 5am with the possibility of traveling only for health, work or need reasons
- 100% distance learning in secondary schools
- local public transport reduced by half (maximum capacity of 50% for buses, trams, metro and regional trains)
- museums and exhibitions closed, as well as theaters and cinemas.
How the red, orange and yellow zones are decided
To classify health risk, some indicators are identified with threshold and alert values that must be monitored at the national, regional and local levels and are based on these data the measures to be taken are decided.
Not just the number of new cases or the Rt index; Among the criteria that determine the entry or exit of a region of the red, orange or green zone we find:
- tracking capabilities (number of symptomatic cases reported, hospitalized and in intensive care, cases in rsa);
- diagnostic ability, survey and contact management
- transmission of the virus and maintenance of health services (number of cases notified to Civil Protection in the last 14 days; Rt calculated on the basis of the integrated surveillance ISS, number of cases by date of diagnosis and date of onset of symptoms reported to the integrated surveillance Covid-19 per day, new transmission outbreaks, new cases confirmed by Region not associated with known transmission chains, the occupancy rate of the total beds in intensive care for Covid-19 patients and the occupancy rate of the total beds in the Medical Area for Covid patients- 19).
For all the details you can consult the Decree of the Ministry of Health for the definition of monitoring criteria