Palermo: scenario 4, that is, of maximum severity, is reserved for Lombardy, Piedmont, Valle d’Aosta and Calabria. Sicilia plays between 2 and 3, that is, between the yellow and orange scenarios.
Sicilia is at the limit of the parameters of scenario 2 (yellow, with less restrictive rules) to be already assimilated to “scenario 3” (orange), the “very serious” that, based on the Dpcm signed during the night, provides much stricter measures. And it is a very delicate choice – which will be taken with a decree of the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, “in agreement” with Governor Nello Musumeci – since it concerns the lives of five million Sicilians, as well as extra-regional mobility. , in next month.
The choice will be based on the 21 parameters of the Higher Institute of Health, including the Rt transmissibility index (in Sicily the last useful data, relative to last week, is 1.42, below the alert threshold of 1.50 and far from regions that have already exceeded the quota 2), but also the “high incidence of cases and clinical severity”, with “sustained pressure on prevention and social services departments”, in which the job occupancy rate plays a important role in resuscitation, which on the island is now 25.5% (150 out of 588), below the 30% (176 hospitalized) established as an on-call limit.