from November 5 Italy divided into three zones


CoronavirusTo further contain the contagion curve, which has increased significantly in recent days (as of November 3: 28,244 new cases with 353 deaths), the text of the Prime Minister’s Decree of October 24 is replaced by that of November 4 , whose publication in the Official Gazette is scheduled for the same day. .

Differentiated regime between the Regions, each of which will be assigned one of the three differentiated bands for the danger of contagion, based on the 21 parameters listed in the provision.

To date, at risk of blockade: Lombardy, Piedmont, South Tyrol, Valle d’Aosta and Calabria. The rules will be valid from November 5 to December 3.

Dual regulatory scenario

In the draft provision signed by the Prime Minister on the night of November 3-4, two categories of rules are contemplated:

  • those valid for the entire national territory,
  • other rules valid only in regional context.

Therefore, a differentiated regime is conceived in three bands of contagion risk, according to the 21 parameters listed in the text of a scientific report that must be attached to the new DPCM. The rules in force at the regional level will be agreed upon in agreement with the President of the Region.

According to the draft, the measures will be evaluated weekly, and will have a minimum duration of 15 days (in any case no later than December 3): therefore, if a Region is classified as zone 4 (or red), it will remain there at least two weeks. Each Region will be located in one of the three bands based on objective criteria, listed in the scientific document shared with the Conference of Regions (“Covid-19 Prevention and Response, evolution of the strategy for the autumn-winter period”).

The Minister of Health may adopt ordinances in agreement with the President of the Region in order to provide for the exemption of the application of one or more restrictive measures, even in specific parts of the regional territory.

Standards of national importance

The following rules will apply to the entire territory:

  • limitation of the movement of people from 22 to 5 hours, a time interval within which it will be necessary to prove the movement, for reasons of work, necessity or health, through self-certification;
  • lockout for exhibitions and museums;
  • 100% distance education for secondary schools, with the exception of laboratory activities that will be carried out in person;
  • face-to-face activities for preschoolers (kindergartens), primary and lower secondary schools (middle), where, however, the mandatory use of masks is maintained, with the exception of children under 6 years of age;
  • lowering of blinds, both on holidays and before holidays, for medium and large sales structures (shopping centers), except pharmacies, food stalls, tobacconists and kiosks;
  • filling limited to 50 percent of the capacity in public transport of the local and regional rail transport;
  • closures of bars and restaurants from 6 pm, with the possibility of remaining open for Sunday lunch;
  • suspension of the pre-selection and written tests of the competitions (public and private, including the qualification procedures for the exercise of the professions) with the exception of cases in which the evaluation of the candidates must be carried out, exclusively, of curricular or electronic form;
  • closing of gambling and betting corners in bars and tobacconists;
  • only events and competitions (recognized of national interest by the provisions of CONI and CIP), related to individual and team sports organized by the respective national sports federations, associated sports disciplines, sports promotion bodies or international sports organizations are allowed, ” inside sports facilities used behind closed doors or outdoors without the presence of the public;
  • It confirmed the recommendation, already contained in the previous provisions, not to travel in public or private means of transport, except for work, study or health reasons.

Legislation valid for the three regional bands

The Ministry of Health is entrusted with the task of establishing new measures to contain the infection in areas where the spread of the virus is greatest and the most congested health facilities, and this based on the 21 parameters contained in the scientific document shared with the Conference of Regions. and entitled “Prevention and response to Covid-19, evolution of the strategy for the autumn winter period”.

Regions at level 3 (orange areas)

  • Prohibition of any movement, inside and outside, of the Region (except for proven work, health and emergency needs), only those movements strictly necessary to ensure the performance of teaching in the presence and within the limits in which it is allowed, with the consequent possibility of returning to their home or residence.
  • Any movement to a municipality other than that of residence, domicile or home is prohibited, except for reasons of work, study, health, situations of need or to carry out activities or use services that are not suspended and not available in your municipality.
  • The activities of the catering services are suspended, with the exception of dining rooms and catering and catering with home delivery.

Regions at level 4 (red areas)

  • Prohibition of any movement in and out of the Region, but also within the territory itself, except in cases of necessity and urgency.
  • Serrata for retail businesses, except for grocery stores, pharmacies, kiosks.
  • Closed for non-food markets.
  • Closing of activities in bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries, with the exception of catering with home delivery and, until 10.00 p.m., take-out, but with prohibition of consumption in the place or in the vicinity.
  • Suspended sports activities, including those carried out in open-air sports centers.
  • Allowed to carry out, individually, physical activity near the house, respecting the distance of at least one meter from any other person and with the obligation of a mask.
  • Allowed to carry out sports activities exclusively outdoors and individually.
  • All events and competitions organized by sports promotion bodies are suspended.
  • School activity in presence for kindergartens, primary and secondary.
  • Activities related to personal services remain open (including hairdressers, barbers, beauticians).
  • Public employers limit the presence of personnel in the workplace to ensure only those activities that they consider impossible to postpone and that necessarily require said presence, also due to emergency management.

Legal Newspaper public Lex – Coronavirus Agenda, the compilation of all the legislative measures issued since the identification of the first case of contagion by COVID-19, to date.
