Coronavirus Lombardia, the latest news and the bulletin with today’s cases, November 4. LIVE


The presidents of the provincial orders of doctors present in Lombardy, meeting at the ‘FROMCeO’, have decided to write to the Lombardy Region to express their willingness to carry out rapid tests but do not intend to do so in their respective clinics.

The presidents of the provincial orders of doctors present in Lombardy, meeting at the “FROMCeO”, have decided to write to the Lombardy Region to give their availability to carry out rapid tests but they do not intend to do so in their respective clinics.

Meanwhile, yesterday, with 32,337 swabs made, the number of new positives in Lombardy is 6,804, a percentage of 21%. (ALL UPDATES – MAPS AND CONTAGION GRAPHS).

7:57 – Covid: Lombard doctor orders ‘no rapid tests in clinic’

The presidents of the provincial orders of doctors present in Lombardy, meeting at the “FROMCeO”, have decided to write to the Lombardy Region. The text of the letter explains that doctors from the provinces of Lodi, Como, Lecco, Bergamo, Brescia, Cremona, Mantua, Milan, Monza Brianza, Pavía, Sondrio and Varese have given their will to carry out rapid tests but do not intend to do it in their respective clinics. “Most family doctors’ offices – we read, in fact – do not and cannot assume adequate characteristics to guarantee the safe performance of tampons, which is still a high-risk maneuver, which requires complete protection, spacing, sanitation. ” That is why we ask: “That the Lombardy Region make available structures outside the medical offices, where doctors can collaborate with community nurses with administrative staff and with Civil Protection, to manage an adequate flow of people, clearly selecting which citizens should belong to the service “. In addition to family doctors, it is also requested to involve continuity care doctors and the entire primary care area, thus protecting colleagues at risk by age and health. In anticipation of the move to Ansa, this afternoon the president of the Lodi Order of Physicians Massimo Vajani explained: “Most of our family doctors have their outpatient clinic in a condominium. And we must also think about not getting infected. the other condominiums. We ask that the triages, tents, be created, instead, in open and independent places where the risk of accidental contagion can be zero “.

7:44 – Covid: Lombardy, motion rejected on mandatory rapid tests

Rejected by the Regional Council the motion that asked to make “essential and not optional” for all Lombard general practitioners to carry out rapid unhygienic tests for their patients for Covid research, in the model decided by Veneto. The text promoted by the president of the Mixed Group Viviana Beccalossi and signed by several center-right councilors and also from the Democratic Party was rejected in a secret vote with 25 Yes, 42 No and 2 abstentions. To ask for the secret ballot, the regional councilor of the 5 Star Movement Gregorio Mammì, who commented: “The majority of the Lombardy Region is broken in the motion that calls for the obligation of general practitioners to take swabs. It is unacceptable to think of providing that quick swabs are performed by physicians, who are already few and busy today. It is imperative to take initiatives that allow self-employed nurses to perform swabs at home and to issue documentation reporting the test result, without prejudice to in case of a positive result, the latter is communicated to the treating physician in order to activate the Covid pathway “.
