Sardinia green zone (along with Molise me Basilicata). That is, low contagion territories (for now); orange indicates the medium level, while red is the maximum criticality. These are the three degrees of risk in which the Government of Giuseppe Conte decided to divide Italy in order to apply appropriate restrictions to the advance of the pandemic and thus avoid a emergency shutdown that would penalize the economy of those regions where the virus does not spread violently, unlike what is happening in Lombardy, Piedmont, South Tyrol, Aosta Valley and Calabria (the inclusion of Puglia and Sicily in this group seems to have been avoided).
Ranking by risk levels is not a political choice nor will the government calculate, from time to time, in which of the three grades a region falls. In any case, the National Executive has created a control room that belongs to the Ministry of Health and is made up of experts, who are in charge of evaluating the different local situations from the data provided by the local crisis units. They are dry, mathematical, totally aseptic accounts, precisely because the advance of the coronavirus is not a question of parties, although some governors ride the wave of populism and use the anti-contagion measures applied in Rome as battle axes between opposite sides. L ‘analysis of the degree of risk It will be done every seven daysprecisely to implement immediate interventions and immediately stop the tendencies to worsening. But if the situation improves in only one region, the jump to the less severe level can only take place after fifteen days.
The first criterion being used in Rome to define the three degrees of risk is the ability to spread disease, that’s the number of cases: today, November 3, for example, the cases of Covid in Italy have grown in total 3.86 percent against 2.97% that was registered on the island (equal to 302 cases). Here, this is one of the data that is helping to make Sardinia a green zone, at least for the moment. Another element is the sprout spread, which if they are limited allow a quicker containment of the emergency. Also on this front it can be said that our Island is lucky, because the spread of the Covid in specific countries has allowed mayors to activate home isolation measures and the consequent controls. It should also be emphasized that rigor with which most Sardinians respect the spacing and theuse of masks have an important impact on the low spread of the virus: a study carried out by the Hospital Nigrar, in the province of Verona, has shown that the correct application of anti-contagion regulations reduces the viral load up to a thousand times.
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The disturbing fact on the island is the occupation of Covid Beds in hospitals, where it has practically reached 100 percent availability, which has imposed the council of Christian solinas foresee an increase from the current 402 to 590. But so far Ares, the regional health agency, has managed to activate only twenty of 188, and all in the private facilities of the Sassari Polyclinic and Mater Olbia. However, when calculating the degree of risk, those in Intensive careThat is why Sardinia has remained in a green zone. Here the filling coefficient is less severe, even if the emergency is close: as shown in the graphs of The sun 24 hours, the critical threshold is approaching: is fixed a fee 54 compared to 45 current hospitalizations. The alert is activated when 30 percent of the total beds are exceeded. That there are 180 on the island.
the restrictions – different for the green, orange and red areas – it will be contained in the Dpcm that was to come into effect from November 5th. The draft was published in the afternoon and contains a minimum level of anti-contagion measures that is the same for everyone and coincides with the limitations foreseen for low-risk regions such as Sardinia. Meanwhile, the curfew at 10 pm: after that time, you can only travel for work and health reasons and you will have to prove it with aself certification. I museums closing, exhibitions are suspended. TO Higher 25 percent of didactic things in attendance, which remains only for the workshops. Again: for children over the age of six it is required lwearing a mask at school. I mallseven medium sized ones they close on weekends, that is to say, holidays and pre-holidays, except for pharmacies, grocery stores, tobacconists and newsagents. Sui public transport the filling coefficient drops from 80 to 50 percent, including trains. Confirmed closing of bars and restaurants at 6 pm, but they can work for Sunday lunch. Frozen too competitions, except those that require exclusively curricular evaluations, it is written in the draft of the Dpcm. the Suspension also for him games and the bet.
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Moving up in rank, the bans increase. In red areas, for example, some type of emergency shutdown, as we met him in Italy last March. At the regional level, incoming and outgoing movements will be blocked and the catering sector will be able to work only with take away food. The beauty centers and hairdressers will also have to stop, which will not happen instead with the intermediate level (orange areas), where, however, all other limitations foreseen for the red territories will apply. Obviously only with the publication of the Dpcm will we know in detail all the measures that must be respected, under penalty of the usual repression of sanctions.
Alessandra Letter
(@alessacart on Twitter)