Coronavirus, new squeeze of Thursday Home at 22 and “red zones” in lockdown


Come the extra grip for Italians. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte signed the decree with the new measures, which will come into effect from Thursday and will remain in force until December 3: Italy is divided into three risk zones and those where the infection is more widespread and the The epidemiological indices are more critical, such as Lombardy and Piedmont, the blockade will actually be activated as in March.

The draft decree includes 12 articles and is the result of a long discussion, which at times has turned into a clash, both in the majority and between the Executive and the Regions, over who should assume political responsibility for the closures. The clash, this with the local authorities, is still ongoing, as the Regions continue to request “homogeneous” interventions throughout Italy. If the text in the provision that will go to the Official Gazette is not modified, the decree establishes that the toughest measures must be adopted by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza “in agreement” with the president of the Region in question. And this is due both to the restrictions related to orange areas, in which the epidemiological curve is compatible with scenario 3 of the Higher Institute of Health, that is, those characterized by a “very serious” situation, and those that affect red , which is framed in scenario 4, where instead there is a situation of “maximum gravity”. On one thing, the prime minister and the government have never reversed: it was not supposed to be a national blockade and it will not be a national blockade.
