Seven hour curfew, limited movements, masks at school, diversified scenarios between regions depending on the spread of infection. The Government gives a new push to try to stop the resurgence of the new Coronavirus and has prepared a package of measures, which are contained in the new Dpcm, which will come into force tomorrow (Thursday, November 5) and will be in force until December 3 . .
First, the Italian regions will be divided into three bands. Green Belt, where general national restrictions will be applied. Orange band, high risk, with additional restrictions. Red band, at serious risk, with less rigid blockade than that of March-April. An order from the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, will assign each region a band. Whoever enters the orange or red must stay there for at least 15 days. The Minister of Health will update the bands periodically and the assignment will be based on the scientific data provided by the Technical-Scientific Committee. Lazio, according to the current state, will finish in the green, the “softest”.
The erga omnes measures, on the other hand, provide a curfew for everyone from 10 at night to 5 in the morning; Only trips motivated by proven work needs, situations of need or health reasons are allowed. For the rest, during the day (from 5 to 22), there is no general stop of mobility between the regions: the entry and exit ban applies only to the orange and red zone regions. However, it is strongly recommended to limit movement to essential activities (work, study, health, emergencies). News also for the school. The mask will be mandatory for primary and secondary school children, even when they are sitting at the desk. “The didactic and educational activity for the first cycle of education and for educational services for children continues to be developed in the presence – read the text – with the mandatory use of respiratory protection devices except for children under six years of age and for people with pathologies or disabilities incompatible with the use of the mask ”. 100% distance education for high school, except face-to-face workshops.
Also narrow in public transport: trains and buses will have a filling coefficient of no more than 50 percent; this to the exclusion, however, of dedicated school transportation.
Smart work at the highest possible level, both in the public administration and in the private sector, and differentiated entries of personnel.
Trade limitations are also foreseen. On holidays and days prior to holidays, medium and large sales structures are closed, as well as commercial establishments in shopping centers and markets, with the exception of pharmacies, parapharmacies, health centers and food, tobacco and kiosks sales points. In general, the shops remain open, as do hairdressers, barbers, beauticians; for bars and restaurants the current rules are maintained: open from 5 to 18, home delivery allowed, take-out until 10 pm Theme parks, cinemas, theaters, halls and betting corners are still closed. Museums and exhibitions join the national closures. There is no news for the sport, with the approval that remains for football training.
In the opinion of the Technical-Scientific Committee, we should see the peak of infections on December 20. Celebrating Christmas in a “normal” way, therefore, seems, to date, very difficult.
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