COVID ALARM – Dpcm signed, will be in force from Thursday 5: closure in Piedmont, everything closed and stop moving


The signing of the new Dpcm came into effect overnight, which will come into effect tomorrow, Thursday, November 5. Therefore, it will be blocked in Piedmont, considered a red region with a high rate of infections. In the morning the publication of the full text

ROME – The signing of the new Dpcm came overnight, which will come into effect tomorrow, Thursday, November 5. Therefore, it will be blocked in Piedmont, considered a red region with a high rate of infections. In the morning the press conference of the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, is expected. The final “ranking” of the regions will be drawn up tonight: the limitations will be applied based on the infection rate. Given the difficult situation, hypothesize a Piedmont outside the red zone.

Among the main restrictions of the red zone, therefore also in force in our territory: prohibition to enter and leave the territories, stop traveling within the territory, except for proven work needs or situations of need or for health reasons. . Distance learning from second grade.

Closed bars, pastry shops, restaurants and all stores that do not sell essential items. Barber shops and hair salons are open (and this is the only change compared to the drafts circulated last night). Catering allowed only with home delivery. Takeaway is good until 10pm too. Pharmacies and supermarkets will be open to the public from March. Non-food markets closed. The block will last at least 15 days.

National curfew from 10pm to 5am, closing of exhibitions and museums, shopping centers closed on holidays and the eve of holidays, 50% of the maximum public transport capacity, suspension of public competitions.
