New Dpcm, tug of war in red areas. Regions against Conte: we are isolated


Rome, November 4, 2020 – The tug of war continues into the night, the Regions still stand in the way of the Dpcm. “The provisions referred to in articles 1bis and 1ter that squeeze and depreciate – reads a letter signed by Stefano Bonaccini, president of the State-Regions Conference to Prime Minister Conte (in the photo) and Ministers Boccia and Speranza – the role and tasks of the Autonomous Regions and Provinces, putting each election and decision of the Government on the basis of the evaluations made by the technical bodies. ”The Regions ask to” participate in the data analysis process “, in essence to co- decide and have “contextual refreshments” and maybe a tax break …

Rome, November 4, 2020 – The tug of war continues into the night, the Regions still stand in the way Dpcm. “The provisions of articles 1bis and 1ter that compress and depreciate cause great perplexity and concern – says a letter signed by Stefano bonaccini, president of the State-Regions Conference to premier Conte (in the photo) and to Ministers Boccia and Speranza – the role and tasks of the Autonomous Regions and Provinces, putting each election and decision of the Government on the basis of the evaluations carried out by the technical bodies ”. The Regions are asking to “participate in the data analysis process”, essentially to co-decide and have “contextual refreshments” and perhaps a brake on taxes Governors would need homogeneous measures at the national level, possibly integrated at the local level with shared options.

For Conte, who is very nervous, it is a big problem. The premier wanted to sign last night the decree for Italy to wake up today in color: green, orange or red according to the level of risk of Covid-19, determined by the control room on data of the ISS and sanctioned by a decree of the Ministry of Health expected for today. But now everything is in process.

According to the original plan, 21 criteria will be distinguished between submerged and rescued, indicated in the decree of the Ministry of Health of April 30. The most important are: percentage of positives, Rt (the contagion rate), incidence of infections in the population, number of outbreaks, percentages of intensive care occupation and total beds for patients with Covid-19. The measures to be decided by joint decree of the Ministry of Health and the governor of the region in question will have a minimum duration of 15 days and a maximum duration until the expiration of the Dpcm (December 3). According to rumors, suspicious regions to join the Red zone are Lombardy – which has a Rt of 2.16, ranks third in incidence both at 7 and 14 days and has an intensive care saturation rate of 42%, above the 40% threshold -, Piedmont (Rt of 2.09, sixth by incidence, intensive care at 34%), Val D’Aosta (Rt 1.89, first by incidence and saturation rate of intensive care at 60%), the province of Bolzano (Rt 1 , 96, 5 for incidence, intensive care at 42%). The insistent rumors also give Calabria a red zone, which nevertheless has a Rt of 1.66, is the last among the regions by incidence and has an intensive care occupancy rate of 22%. In the balance between Liguria ‘red’ and ‘orange’ (Rt 1.54, but second in incidence and intensive care with 27%), Umbria ‘orange’ (Rt 1.67, fourth in incidence, intensive care at 47%) , Campania, Puglia. It is possible that the province of Trento, Lazio, Marche (Rt 1.49, 14th by incidence, employment rate in intensive care 35%) and Emilia-Romagna are also balanced but tending to “green”. (Rt 1.63, but 13º for incidence and intensive care at 25%) and Toscana (Rt 1.41 and intensive care at 39%). Verdi the Veneto and the rest. All this, based on data from the ISS report published on October 30, but the next one will be decisive, which will not be ready before tomorrow.

They reiterate to the Ministry of Health that inclusion in one or another category will be effective for a minimum of two weeks, after which it will be possible to “promoted” or “demoted” depending on the progress of the epidemic. On the basis of scientific data it is assured, but until it is clarified how much exactly each of the 21 criteria weighs, the suspicion of the Regions and not only is that the evaluation is also “political”.
