The division into bands remains to differentiate the interventions, the red zone of Lombardy must close for two weeks
ROME. First Giuseppe Conte resists the last pressure of the Regions and, late at night, signs the Dpcm that establishes a regime of differentiated closures according to the contagion risk band to which a Region belongs.
A final meeting between the head of government, heads of delegation, ministers Francesco Boccia, Roberto Gualtieri me Stefano patuanelli and the undersecretary Riccardo Fraccaro puts “a single point of contention” between the Executive and the Regions. Few concessions from the first to the second, with an appendix: the chapter on soft drinks that, under pressure from the governors, Conte will be forced to expand compared to the forecasts of a few hours ago.
In a letter sent by Boccia and the owner of Health Roberto Speranza to the Regions, the two ministers respond to the observations sent in the Dpcm. The decree “guarantees the participation” of the regions themselves, the government explains, regarding data processing, which is decisive to establish in which risk range to place a region. In fact, the governors not only participate in the control room on the health emergency but the Dpcm specifies that the Ministry of Health will issue the closure orders “after listening to” the presidents of the regions, the letter underlines.
The letter, on the request for refreshments, assures: the decree will be launched this week, the disbursements will be “timely.” But now, Conte, Gualtieri and Patuanelli will have to find in the next few hours the money they need to mitigate the anger of merchants, restaurateurs, bar managers in the red zones: all destined to close for at least two weeks.
“Let’s not cancel the effort of all those categories that at this time have reduced their activity,” warns the head of Foreign Relations. Luigi di maio. The 1.5 billion figure is probably not enough. And the puzzle becomes more complicated because, even if desired, the deadline for requesting a new budget variance is very tight, whereas, only through the disbursement of resources after December 10, these can be included in the 2021 expenses.
And on December 10, for the Regions, it is too late. Not only. Mef and Mise will be responsible for the complex modulation of the audience of the addressees at the refreshment stations in a decree that sets up “accordion” closures. And there is also the issue of parental leave, destined to expand with dad from the seventh grade planned for the Regions in scenario 4.
Very few, however, the presentations on the text. The 21 parameters to classify the risk level of a Region do not change, as does the closure system. However, compared to the afternoon draft, there is a novelty: barbers and hairdressers will also be able to stay open in the “red” regions.