At half past midnight Giuseppe Conte signed the new Dpcm. The day of Tuesday, November 3, was endless, marked by summits, clashes by videoconference and protests by the governors, disappointed and angry at the implementation of the decree that confirms the closure of bars and restaurants at 18, turns off the lights of museums, save Sunday lunch outside the house that Renziana fights for Teresa Bellanova and establishes a curfew at 10 pm. This measure involved the government for two days, in a totally political conflict: Speranza, Boccia and Franceschini they didn’t want to go over 20, Bellanova wanted to fix it at 11pm me Conte, who did not want it at all, mediated by choosing 10 p.m..
The Dpcm divides Italy into three bands, which are distinguished by three colors. A national green level. An orange level, with the restrictions that apply to Regions with a scenario of high severity and a high level of risk. And finally the red level, for those territories where the scenario of maximum severity and where the confinement is triggered based on the scientific document of Prevention and response to Covid-19 agreed with the Regions: it is prohibited to move even within the Municipality itself, except for reasons of work, health, urgency or to accompany the children to the school .
Only today will be released the list of the regions most at risk, which according to the rumors of the day before are Piedmont, Lombardy, Calabria and the province of Bolzano. More moderate measures could be broken Campania, Puglia, Veneto, Liguria and Val d’Aosta. But the governors are not there. With a letter to the illustrious President Conte and the ministers of health and autonomy, the presidents of the regions headed by Stefano bonaccini They reiterate their request for univocal national measures and express strong perplexity and concern over the key passages of Article 1, which undermine the role and tasks of the Autonomous Regions and Provinces, putting each choice and decision in the power of the government.
Bonaccini believes that it is essential to limit the discretion that the decree leaves to the Minister of Health on the regions that must enter into blockade. Governors want cross-examination to examine the data, involving technicians from regional departments, because Dpcm procedures seem unclear. They ask for an ad hoc decree with the resources to restore the economic activities that will be penalized by the closures, as well as the tax suspension for 2020 and 2021. And they also want parental leave for those parents who will have to stay home to care for their children, where the red zones will skyrocket.
The minister Boccia treated, mediated and reassured: It will not be the CTS, nor the only Hope, which will make a black list, because the Regions themselves have their representatives in the control room that evaluates the monitoring system. The indications are clear both for national regulations and for territorial restrictions, which will be automatically initiated based on scientific evaluation – responds Boccia -. The Regions will be involved and also the refreshments will be automatic and appropriate for those territories that will suffer two or three weeks off.
Green areas
Here are the new measures that are being carried out throughout Italy. It is still mandatory to wear a mask outdoors and indoors.
Curfew at 10pm
You can leave from 5 to 22. Beyond this time you can move only for proven needs, therefore for work, health or emergency reasons, which must be justified with self-certification.
50% public transport
It is strongly recommended not to travel by public or private means of transport. Buses, metros and regional trains will be able to travel with a capacity of 50%.
High schools closed
100% distance learning is expected for secondary schools, with the exception of face-to-face workshops.
To school with a mask
The presence activity is planned for primary and secondary schools but with the mandatory use of masks.
Bars and restaurants for lunch only
The prohibition to open after 6 pm is maintained.
Closed cinemas, museums and theaters
In addition to cinemas and theaters, museums and exhibitions are also closed.
Contests suspended
Competitions are suspended, with the exception of those of health personnel. Professional qualification exams have also been suspended.
Shopping centers are closed on weekends and all holidays, except for pharmacies, grocery stores, tobacconists and kiosks.
The orange areas
In regions characterized by a scenario of high severity and a high level of risk, in addition to national measures, some additional restrictions also apply.
Bans for 15 days
The Minister of Health verifies the persistence of the situation at least weekly and establishes by order a minimum period of 15 days in agreement with the President of the Region and therefore sharing the decision.
No entry
Any movement in and out of the territories is prohibited, except motivated movements. You can enter and exit only for proven needs, and therefore for work, health and emergency reasons always justified with the self-certification form. The movements strictly necessary to ensure the realization of face-to-face teaching are allowed. return to home, home or residence is always allowed.
Transfers between municipalities
Any movement by means of public or private transport is prohibited, in a municipality other than that of residence, domicile or domicile, unless there are proven needs and also in this case self-certification is required to prove the reasons.
Bars and restaurants
Bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors and patisseries are closed, with the exception of dining rooms and catering. Only catering with home delivery and catering with takeaway food is allowed until 10 pm, with prohibition of consumption on site or in the immediate vicinity.
The red zones
In Regions characterized by a scenario of maximum severity and a high level of risk, in addition to national measures, some additional restrictions also apply. Also in this case the ordinance is valid for 15 days.
Prohibition of entry and movement
Any movement in and out of the territories is prohibited, as well as within the same territories, except for motivated movements. You can enter and leave and move only for proven needs, and therefore for work, health and emergency reasons always justified with the self-certification form. return home, home or residence is always allowed.
Shops and clubs
Stores are closed except for groceries, kiosks, tobacconists, pharmacies and parapharmacies. Closed hairdressers and beauty centers. The bars and restaurants are also closed except for home deliveries, as well as take-away catering until 10:00 p.m.
The school
With the exception of educational services for children and the first year of lower secondary school attendance, school and educational activities are carried out exclusively at a distance. There is the possibility of carrying out activities in the presence if the use of laboratories is required.
Sports and motor activity
Sports activities are also suspended in the outdoor centers. Individual motor activities are allowed in the immediate vicinity of the house, respecting the distance of at least one meter and sports activities exclusively outdoors and individually.
Hairdressers and barbers open
Hair salons and barbers will also remain open in the red zones.
November 4, 2020 (change November 4, 2020 | 06:58)