It arrived just before midnight prime minister’s signature Giuseppe Conte Alabama Dpcm with the new anti-Covid measures, which will be in force as of November 5 to December 3. The decree will be published in the Official Gazette tomorrow morning. During the week, there will also be a special one. decree law for the provision of refreshments to the activities affected by restrictions. Very few textual presentations. I 21 parameters to classify the risk level of a Region do not change, as does theinstallation of closures. Compared to the afternoon draft, I Barber Shop they can stay open also in the “red” regions.
Final clearance for the text comes at the end of the meeting in videoconference between Prime Minister Conte, the heads of the majority delegation, Minister of Regional Affairs Francesco bowl and the undersecretary of the presidency of the Council Riccardo The weather in Fraccaro. The ministers Roberto were also connected Gualtieri and Stefano Patuanelli, working in the Snacks bis decree that will accompany the launch of the new Dpcm. Qualified government sources stress that the Dpcm system “remains the same.”
Therefore, the differentiated regimen that divides Italy into three bands from risk of contagion (from green to red), which will be determined according to the parameters listed in the text. Among the few changes made are those of Barber Shop: stay open even in the territories that fall on stage 4, therefore “red” areas, contrary to what was foreseen in the afternoon draft.
“It was a busy day of job with Regions and local Organizations characterized by continuous dialogue and loyal collaboration. THE contributions come from regions and local authorities are absolutely constructive“Said Minister Boccia at the end of the long confrontation that took place in these days of preparation of the text of the new Dpcm. “Clear indications for the national measures and for the possible restrictions to be implemented, in automatic, in the territories considered in better sanitary conditions critics. How will everything be automatic and timely refreshments for the affected activities “.
in a letter sent before the signing of the Dpcm to the Regions by the ministers bowl and roberto hopeBased on the findings of the territories, we read that the involvement of the Autonomous Regions and Provinces is “broadly guaranteed from their direct participation in the control room “on the health emergency” as well as from the established procedural iter that contemplates the adoption, by the Minister of Health, of the respective ordinances, after consultation with the Presidents of the regions interested. “As for the economic measures ei refreshments of economic activities subject to restrictions, the ministers assure that “a specific one will be approved by the Council of Ministers this week decree law, which will provide the timely delivery of resources “.
Below are the restrictions provided in thelast draft of the decree: the main measure refers to the curfew, anticipated at 22. Until 5 in the morning you can circulate only for health, work or other emergencies, to be documented by self certification. In front of the transport public, all media will return to one capacity Maximum of fifty%. the distance education 100% secondary, closing museums and stop ai malls on the weekends. In primary and secondary schools, mask it becomes mandatory even at the counter. The execution of preselective tests me written Gods competitions public and private and exams qualification for professions, “except in cases where the evaluation of candidates is carried out exclusively in bases curricular or in mode telematics “.
In the Regions “orange“(Medium risk band) there will also be closing of bars and restaurants and the prohibition of change between municipalities. In the “reds”, the total mobility block internal and external. They will be closed i Retail storesexcept groceries, drugstores, newsstands, and so do I markets of non-food items. Can be done walk in the vicinity of your home, respecting the distance of at least one meter by any other person and with the obligation to mask. Will continue face-to-face teaching for the school ofchildhood, elementary me sixth grade.