Carlo Conti, positive result in coronavirus Five days ago, I wanted to reassure everyone after this morning’s announcement on social media. «No worsening, only typical symptoms of COVID-19», The explanation of the popular presenter of Short Story and What a Show.
A message that reassures all fans of Carlo Conti and his broadcasts on Rai, obviously concerned about his health. Just this morning Carlo Conti, who until a few days ago was asymptomatic and had also driven directly from his home, had announced that he had experienced the first symptoms of Covid: fever, cough and pain. Showing the card of affection from his wife Francesca and son Matteo, the Tuscan director explained: “Of all medicines, this is the most powerful. I’m better now! ».
Carlo Conti, who obviously continues isolation and is monitored by his doctor, that is why he has continued to turn off all the most alarmist tones about his state of health, explaining that it is the natural course of those who are infected with a devious virus such as Sars-CoV. -2.
Last update: November 4 at 01:06 © REPRODUCTION RESERVED