Toti: “The pandemic has accelerated faster than expected”


In the latest report from the Ministry of Health “the Liguria Region is today in the second risk band of the three considered with an Rt that varies from 1.3 to 1.5”. This was explained by the president of the Liguria Region, Giovanni Toti, this morning in Genoa at the Regional Council during the presentation of the regional government program for the next five years. “Some Regions have reached an Rt of 2, so they are far ahead of us, unfortunately they are also friends of the Regions bordering our Region, so there is also a matter of common measures to take,” he says. “Liguria, the city of Genoa and the country in general, would hardly resist the impact of another general blockade. – he underlines – Above all, our port activity today on Christmas Eve must be able to continue working to supply companies in northern Italy. and for exports “.
“In the notes that we exchanged with the Ministry of Health in early October, the pandemic would return in early November and the following weeks, with an increasing burden on our hospitals, a prediction that was widely refuted by the speed of spread of the contagion” Toti added.
“Certainly the health personnel are exhausted, surely the emergency rooms are experiencing a difficult time – he admits – but I think that no one, not even the Scientific Technical Committee, the Government itself or the experts from the Ministry of Health, could have expected a wave of this size, so partially different from what we have dealt with in the recent past. The Nursing Sciences degree at the University of Genoa will close in mid-November and fortunately at least 180 new nurses will be enrolled in the registry and will be able to operate against the covid in three weeks. They are fresh forces, unfortunately we regret that this race does not have double the enrollment, we would need them, “he concluded,” the country would need them.
An extraordinary regional council of Liguria on the covid emergency to address the difficulties that the health system is experiencing and find solutions. This is what the group leaders of the Democratic Party and the Shared Line in the Regional Council, Luca Garibaldi and Giovanni Pastorino, asked this morning at the end of the presentation of the regional government program of President Giovanni Toti.
“His statements are always characterized by great optimism and minimization of the situation we find ourselves in,” says Garibaldi, “we ask that an extraordinary regional council be convened as soon as possible to deal with the issue of the health emergency, because we are not only the Region first by number of ICUs available compared to population, we are one of the first Regions in Italy in terms of the severity of the situation ”.
