Lazio, Juventus’ next rival in the league. issued a statement to clarify the non-exit of Immobile, Strakosha and Lucas Leiva with a view to the match against Zenit. Immobile had played in the league but did not receive the go-ahead from UEFA for the Europa League match. The FIGC has also opened an investigation. Here is the press release:
In relation to the press information that has appeared in the different media, it is reported that SS Lazio is in close contact with state authorities and with national and international sports institutions with which it has been in dialogue for several days in compliance with the applicable standards and protocols.
The tests carried out yesterday for the European competition confirmed the positivity of some members of the group of teams that are already in isolation.
At the same time, the signing firm, which continues to periodically monitor its members through qualified laboratories, found possible criticalities in relation to the results obtained by the European organization and, in a climate of full collaboration and protection of the health of the entire group and the larger community, is evaluating the individual positions of some members.
It is understood that any decision on the matter will be shared with UEFA also through FIGC.
In any case, the sports community is advised to exercise the utmost caution when disclosing news and unsubstantiated findings that may damage the right to privacy and the image of the undersigned club and its members.
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