New Dpcm, orange or red zone of Liguria: this will be decided


While waiting for the new Dpcm, what scenario awaits the Liguria region?

According to President Giovanni Toti: “We will surely be in the medium risk range but we hope that the Government will present to discuss it in the next few hours.”

The “risk zones” mechanism

The subdivision of the Italian regions into three bands will be established by the new Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers. “Each of them involves a series of quite varied measures – Toti explained, Tuesday afternoon at a press conference – ranging from the exclusive closure of bars and restaurants for lunch and from the transition to total distance learning in the 100 percent high school, ’50 percent bus overcrowding for worst case shutdown of all wholesale and retail for a variety of personal care artisans like hairdressers and estheticians.

On the basis of what is a Region included in one of these three “areas”?

“The assignment of each region to one of the three bands will be done by order of the Minister of Health, after consulting the president of the region, based on the data processed by the technical-scientific committee,” President Toti replied. “The scenario analysis that is the one that the RT provides and the risk analysis that instead contains the 21 parameters that include: hospital overcrowding, ability to follow, rapid recognition of symptoms.

For Governor Toti, Liguria is in the middle range (or orange): “According to what was leaked during the meeting of governors, the technical scientific committee would have previously prepared a table that foresees 11 regions of substantially medium risk and others of low risk, therefore we will surely be in the medium risk range but at this moment I do not rule out anything, we are waiting for the Government to appear “

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For the Liguria region these are the data analyzed: «A hospital difficulty without a doubt yes, a growing pressure on the hospitals without a doubt not; because there is a clear plateau that foresees an almost constant number of hospitalized patients for about ten days – Toti concluded – There is a less steep curve of cases than we imagine, I think also thanks to the containment and monitoring measures but I think the debate on this will be lively and long also in the next few hours ».
