The curfew control at 10 pm, but he is forced to organize with Minister Speranza and the CTS a soft lockdown mechanism that takes the chestnuts out of the fire to the “very astute” presidents of the region who, however, close protesting with the same argument used at the beginning: better to close everything than just Lombardy, better homogeneous measures so as not to have to explain why “we do and others don’t”. The “birth” of the third Dpcm was very complicated. A succession of distance meetings and meetings between the government and the regions, between the government and the CTS and then, in the afternoon and with the text in front, between the regional presidents and, on another platform, between the members of the Scientific Technical Committee .
Covid Italia, bulletin for November 3, 2020: 28,244 new infections and 353 deaths, never so many since the beginning of May
As of November 5, the day of entry into force of the dpcm, the Italy of colored flags will return according to the infections they will regulate, thanks to a well-studied algorithm, who should close again and who should not. Red for those who take great risks, orange for dangerous areas but where you can still move and green for more virtuous areas. For all three colors, however, the obligation of everyone at home from 10 to 5 in the morning is activated, unless the proven needs (work, health) and the corresponding self-certification are duly met.
Getting around by public transport will be even more difficult given the capacity cut in half. But in high-risk red areas, movement between territories and regions is also prohibited, except for work, health or accompanying children to school since the second and third grade will also be at a distance. Work at home is strongly “pushed” for everyone, public and private employees, competitions are blocked, including school, while in the red areas it will only be possible to do physical activity near home and sports clubs such as restaurants, shops will be closed, bars, hairdressers that, with the exception of restaurants, will remain open in the orange regions. Shopping centers throughout Italy are closed on weekends. As well as bingo halls, casinos and cruise ships. Everything from tomorrow until December 3, although, as it happened with the other dpcm, it is not said.
The grueling negotiation that Giuseppe Conte was forced into signals a change in perspective compared to the first pandemic wave when Conte wrote the dpcm almost alone. On this occasion, in addition to the preventive approval in Parliament, there were numerous meetings with the heads of delegation just as President Mattarella, together with the presidents of the Chamber and Senate Fico and Casellati, were laying the foundations for a stable confrontation mechanism between majority and opposition in the Quirinal. . A kind of anti-Covid committee in which to try to make statesmen, at least for some time, and put the backyard squabbles aside. And so Conte, after having empowered the regions, runs the risk of finding himself locked in a mechanism that, after yesterday’s conversation in the Chamber between Graziano Delrio (Pd) and Giancarlo Giorgetti (Lega), could also see Salvini’s game within . interested in commenting on the budget law and recovery funds.
Rome, the mockery of expensive tampons: this is how the 22 euro fee is around
Tomorrow’s majority summit doesn’t worry Conte as much as the possibility that social cohesion will fail and that riots will break out in areas subject to closures. The premier knows that the problem is not – as the rigorous wing of the Democratic Party argues – “ignorance of the risks of Covid” but the ignorance of someone of the social and economic situation that lives in the country that has gnashed its teeth. in the first wave, but now prefers to take some risks rather than starve. Before meeting again last night with the majority heads of delegation, Conte wanted to thank the members of the Scientific Technical Committee who gave a favorable opinion, although with some perplexity about the closure of secondary schools (and also of the first two years of secondary in some regions). ). Yesterday the cooling of the curve was confirmed, with 28,244 new positive cases, 28 percent more than on Tuesday of the previous week, a low increase if we consider that seven days before the increase was more than 100 percent. The number of tampons is acceptable (more than 182 thousand with the percentage of positives always around 15 percent), but there are three numbers to scare: deaths from Covid-19 were 353 (117 only in Lombardy); the places occupied in intensive care have increased by 203 units, a very high figure that reaches 2,225.
Dpcm, Ira de las Regiones: “The government has deprived us.” Letter to Conte and Speranza
All measurements of the new Dpcm
Curfew – The new Dpcm from 22.00 to 5.00 hours only allows people to travel motivated by “proven work needs, situations of need or for health reasons”. As will be clarified later in the application circulars, self-certifications are returning to everyday life for Italians.
Movements – Not only during 7 hours at night, the remaining part of the day is also affected by measurements. The government in fact “strongly recommends” not to travel by public or private means, except for work, study, health needs, for situations of need or to carry out activities or use non-suspended services.
School– Full distance learning for high school students has been confirmed (only face-to-face workshops will be held). But also news for primary and secondary schools. In fact, younger students will still be able to physically attend class, but will always have to wear a mask.
Culture – After having resisted, not without controversy, all the closures that arrived in recent weeks, with the new Dpcm the last cultural position still open also falls. In fact, as of the entry into force of the text, art exhibitions and, in general, all the numerous museum services offered in the Peninsula will be suspended.
Contests – Among the measures established to contain the growth of coronavirus infections, the government has also included the cessation of all public competitions (including the one in progress for the school already finished at 60%) and private and those announced for the qualification to exercise of professions. Save only those that are useful for finding healthcare personnel.
Indoor sport – The Dpcm confirms the suspension of amateur sports, allowing only events and competitions of national interest. In recent days, with clarification on the website of the Ministry of Health, tennis has also come to a stop (until now safe) if it is practiced on fields inside presostatic balls and tensioned structures.
Megastore – “On holidays and days prior to holidays, medium and large commercial structures are closed, as well as commercial establishments in shopping centers and markets.” Therefore, mega stores are closed on weekends, except inside pharmacies, grocery stores, tobacconists and newsstands.
Public transport – The fill factor of local public transport, after weeks of controversy, has been reduced to 50% of the capacity of the vehicles in question. However, given the different nature of the service offered, dedicated school transportation is excluded from the Dpcm.
Last update: 01:02