“He lied in Parliament about the numbers of intensive care, here are the real ones” – Libero Quotidiano


A living lie. Giuseppe Conte he told lies to the ladies of Parliament and to the Italians who listened to him from home. To underline it Augusto Minzolini, who in his background on the Newspaper recite the true figures ofhealth emergency in Italy. The premiere on Monday at the house to present the new Dpcm reported that they are available at this time 9,052 seats in intensive care, obviously thanking the Commissioner Domenico Arcuri, the man who wanted to drive the car anti-Covid. “They do not reach 7 thousand (6625, ed) – need Americo Cicchetti from Altems, the school of economics of health systems – and then there are the fans that the government bought, but must be installed. And the call for the construction of the new intensive care facilities only began on October 2. , therefore, a long time. “Right now must tell the truth even if it costs popularity, “suggested the dem Graziano Delrio to Conte. Which obviously, through that ear, does not hear us.

How I see Giuseppe Conte.  The last tragic Andrea Scanzi: the fierce criticism of the prime minister, the fat laugh |  Video

On the other hand, Minzolini recalls, the prime minister also announced that the capacity limit Gods public transport will be brought by80 Alabama fifty%. “Exactly what the Scientific Committee had recommended six months ago,” explains the backstory. The government rejected the proposal at the time, explaining that with such a reduction the number of cars on the road would increase by 500 thousand units, causing “a significant increase in fine particles that would endanger the health of citizens.” Motivation that obviously no longer applies today.
