
«I work, I actually worked in a call center in the Casoria area. A girl one morning had symptoms similar to those of Covid, we have not understood anything since then ”. Ilaria She is a strong girl but does not hold back the emotion. Father, Gaetano di Napoli, 63 years old, retired, a former Telecom employee living in Casoria, died of Covid last Saturday in the intensive care unit of the San Giovanni di Dio hospital in Frattamaggiore. Unfortunately the story is that of many. He dies alone, without the consolation of a loved one. Ilaria decided to speak not only to tell the course of the disease and the state of enormous difficulty in providing assistance, but also because she did not receive a cell phone from her father when the family went to get her personal items. Not because of the object, but because of what is contained in the last moments of the parents’ lives.
“I have Covid in the call center, I’m sure, ashamed that the swabs were done too late. Most likely, I infected him, my sister and my mother. It got worse, they took him to the emergency room of the Frattamaggiore hospital but for a week they put him in the ER with a mask. Reason? There were no sub-intensive and intensive places. One hundred calls a day to get a single response, to the ER. No one to bother to explain their health conditions. My father started texting us with pictures and he was sick. He was taken to intensive care in code yellow; On Monday I call and they tell me that he got worse and that they intubated him. Wednesday at 12.30 in intensive care, they never called to find out. He died and we just knew it. We didn’t even go to see him one last time: my sister, my mom and I are quarantined positive. When I sent a family member to collect the family effects, the cell phone was missing. It is not a new phone, it was given to you two years ago for retirement. There were a lot of personal things on the phone, even emotional ones. Do you know what they told us at the hospital? What do we have to say, make the complaint. But people can be treated like this? ».
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