
The mountain gave birth to the mouse, or almost. At the end of a long and fierce tug of war between the government and the regions, here is the draft of the new Dpcm: a light or diluted shutdown is expected throughout Italy. Italy, however, is divided into three according to the severity of the infections and new restrictive measures are envisaged, entrusting the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, with the responsibility of establishing “new measures to contain the infection” in areas where the contagion is The elderly and health facilities are suffering, according to a document shared with the Conference of the Regions. In general, there are no obligations, as in March, to stay at home, but “in any case, it is strongly recommended to all natural persons, throughout the day, not to travel in public or private means of transport, except for work reasons , study, health, situations of need or to carry out activities or use services not suspended “. Any movement in and out of the territories included in the red zones is prohibited, except movements motivated by proven labor needs or situations of need or for health reasons. In any case, the movements strictly necessary to ensure the realization of face-to-face teaching are allowed within the limits in which it is allowed. Return home, home or residence is allowed.
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The decree is valid until December 3 and every week Speranza will verify the progress of the restrictions. In the streets or squares of urban centers, where meeting situations may arise, “the closure to the public may be arranged for the whole day or at certain times, after 9:00 p.m., without prejudice to the possibility of access and exit, to legitimately open businesses and private homes. ” SZ Events related to individual and team sports organized by the respective national sports federations, associated sports disciplines, sports promotion bodies or by international sports organizations are allowed within sports facilities used behind closed doors or outdoors without the presence of public .
Covid Lazio, today’s bulletin, November 3, 2020: 2,209 positives, 1,132 in Rome. The dead are 21
Also stop the activities of shops and markets in the regions, provinces and municipalities of maximum risk. The draft of the Dpcm of article 1 ter provides for this. “Retail business activities are suspended, except for the sale of food.” The measure also stops markets, all bar and restaurant activities (except home delivery and take-out allowed until 10pm) and sports activities. The activities of gyms, swimming pools, swimming centers, wellness centers, spas are suspended, with the exception of the provision of services included in the essential care levels, as well as cultural centers, social centers and recreational centers. The activities of the games rooms, betting rooms, bingo halls and casinos are suspended, as well as the shows open to the public in theaters, concert halls, cinemas and other spaces, even outdoors. As well as exhibitions and museums. Second grade secondary schools adopt flexible ways in organizing teaching activities so that 100% of the activities are carried out through the use of integrated digital teaching. Without prejudice to the possibility of carrying out face-to-face activities if the use of laboratories is required or necessary due to the disability situation of the subjects involved. The didactic and educational activity for the first cycle of education (primary) and for educational services for children continues to be developed in presence, with the mandatory use of respiratory protection devices except for children under six years of age. years and for people with pathologies or disabilities incompatible with the use of the mask. Suspension of pre-selection and written tests of public and private competitions and those of qualification for the exercise of the professions.
Covid Italia, bulletin for November 3, 2020: 28,244 new infections and 353 deaths, never so many since the beginning of May
Retail commercial activities are carried out on the condition that it is ensured, in addition to the interpersonal distance of at least one meter, that entries are made late and that it is prevented from staying in the premises longer than necessary for the purchase of the merchandise. On holidays and days prior to holidays, medium and large sales structures are closed, as well as commercial establishments within shopping centers and markets, with the exception of pharmacies, parapharmacies, health centers and points of sale of food, tobacco and kiosks. .
The bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries will remain open from 5:00 to 18:00; consumption is allowed at the table for a maximum of four people per table, unless they all live together; after 6:00 p.m. the consumption of food and beverages in public places and open to the public is prohibited. bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries) are allowed from 5 to 18; consumption is allowed at the table for a maximum of four people per table, unless they all live together; after 6:00 p.m. the consumption of food and beverages in public places and open to the public is prohibited. A fill coefficient of no more than 50% is allowed on board local public transport and regional rail transport, with the exception of exclusive school transport. The lifts of the ski areas are closed.
The measurements will not be the same throughout Italy. In Regions that are placed in a type 3 scenario and with a high level of risk, for at least two weeks any movement in and out will be prohibited except for work, necessity, health and school in presence (if allowed). It is forbidden to travel to a municipality other than the one of residence, except for needs such as work and health. Bars, restaurants, pubs, ice cream parlors and patisseries are closed. But there is one more level to which even stricter measures correspond. It is regulated by article 1 ter of the Dpcm and concerns areas of the country “characterized by a scenario of maximum severity and a high level of risk”. Scenario 4 of the document activates the new red zone rules. Thus, any movement in and out of the Region and also within the territory itself will be prohibited (always except for necessity and urgency). Closed retail stores, except grocery stores, pharmacies, kiosks. Non-food markets closed. Bars and restaurants are also closed. The role of Minister Speranza is fundamental, and he may adopt ordinances in agreement with the President of the Region to provide for the “exemption from the application of one or more restrictive measures”.
Last updated: 18:58