
‘Curfew’ at 10 pm The last doubt about the dpcm, which should see the light at night, was dissolved by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte himself.
With part of the Democratic Party in favor of stopping the circulation at 9 p.m. and Italia Viva inclined to close an hour later, the reasoning that has taken root in the government concerns the activities that carry out the sale to go.
Allowing the movement of people until 10 pm favors commercial establishments already penalized by the limitation of direct sales. The Regions are also in favor of procrastination.
At the moment, with the delivery of the dpcm text to the regions, there would be no more open questions.
According to what has been learned, face-to-face teaching has also been formalized up to sixth grade for the red regions. For the rest of face-to-face teaching up to eighth grade.
The prohibition of entering and leaving the red regions has also been confirmed, except for reasons of work, health or necessity.
New DPCM coming soon: distance learning from second grade in red areas. What happens in the green and orange areas. The latest indications