The government’s work is in the final stages to reach the new dpcm anti-Covid. Palazzo Chigi has convened a new summit with the Regions, Municipalities and Provinces before the green light: initially scheduled for 3.30 p.m., it is then slipped to 17. From what we have learned, the postponement is due to the fact that a final text of the disposition that will be presented to the local authorities. They will be present ministers Boccia and Speranza, Commissioner Arcuri and the head of Civil Protection Borrelli. During the meeting, other restrictive measures to be included in the dpcm will be illustrated, starting at curfew (at 9 or 10 pm) and of the three risk bands in which the country will be divided: the premiere yesterday Giuseppe Conte He presented the need for interventions to Parliament and obtained the approval of the House and Senate. Meanwhile, based on what has been learned, the ISS press conference announced yesterday has been postponed until tomorrow to take stock of the epidemiological situation in Italy. The postponement came after new commitments to the Scientific technical committee that meets today.
Zampa: “It will be blocking light” – The undersecretary of health gave guarantees on the calendar Sanda zampa: that, interviewed on Rai Radio 1 a Radio too affirmed that the new dpcm of measures against the coronavirus will arrive tonight, “in the next few hours”. The attempt, he said, is not to paralyze the country: it won’t be a rigid lock, but similar to the German model “,un lock light“It is quite complicated to try to make a tailoring by zones, it is a huge effort that we are making. The attempt is not to paralyze the country, I want to be clear,” said the undersecretary. “What is really relevant about this Dpcm is that we I would like to leave behind this discussion about closing not closing. It is good that from now on citizens know that if they are there some criteria and that if certain levels are exceeded, measures will be taken ”. But then admits that this “automatismIt is “very complex,” so the executive is late for the final green light at night. Regarding the teacher’s words Andrea CrisantiAccording to which the Regions have many ways of adjusting the data, Zampa commented: “I hope and believe that I do not live in a country where the Presidents of the Region compose the data. I want to believe that nobody comes to this. Finally, the Undersecretariat of Health focused on the hypothesis of a possible targeted confinement for the elderly, as proposed Matteo salvini in these hours: “I don’t believe in segregation, it is not feasible for us. I think they must be strongly empowered people over 60. I think people need to be educated, alert and aware. Children would do well to remember that grandparents are at risk and cannot care for their grandchildren. “
Dad, curfew and museums: the previews – Even if the discussion within the majority is underway and there is still no definitive text, the first contents of the dpcm are beginning to leak, arriving at night and in effect for at least two weeks. Confirmed closure nationwide from museums and stop ai malls on weekends, as well as the division of Italy into three risk bands based on different parameters of the infection. In the Regions of the first band, that is, the least exposed in the front of hospitals and the spread of the coronavirus, students will be able to go to school in the presence up to eighth grade (included). Distance learning is compulsory only for secondary schools. A rule that is also valid for Regions in the second level, while for high-risk areas the Dad is expected starting from the second average. Also a travel limit between low and high risk areas, as recalled by the Vice Minister of Health Pierpaolo Sileri to Rai Radio1. This is the general agreement reached by the governing parties during the meeting with the prime minister Giuseppe Conte it happened in the morning. However, the knot of the curfew: a part of the majority press to fix it at 9:00 p.m. on a national scale, but there is the possibility of activating it from 10:00 p.m. The possibility of circulating only for health, work or other emergencies is foreseen, which will be documented by self-certification.
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