For the Region it is not a peak, but at a statistical level it is the highest number of reported infections. Out of just under 6 thousand tests (5,955) carried out in the last 24 hours, the regional bulletin now records 1,163 positive cases: 716 in the province of Bari, 61 in the province of Brindisi, 117 in the province of BAT, 115 in the Foggia province, 45 in Lecce province, 101 in Taranto province, 7 attributed to residents outside the region. 1 case of province of unknown residence.
“Asl Bari’s data – explains the CEO Antonio Sanguedolce – are affected by the recovery of numerous cards not inserted in the computer systems in recent days and today they were realigned.”
“Today – explains prof. Pier Luigi Lopalco, Councilor for Health Policies – does not represent a peak, because hundreds of cases reported in the bulletin refer to positivities that have emerged in recent days and that entered the system today ”. For the Asl of Bari, in fact, the high number of registered cases is affected by the recovery of numerous cards not inserted in the last days and, therefore, technically it would be a “realignment” of the data.
12 deaths were recorded: 1 in Bat province, 11 in Foggia province. In Alberobello, a sixth old man died as a guest of the RSA Giovanni XXIII where an outbreak of contagion was registered a few weeks ago.
573,063 tests have been carried out since the start of the emergency. 6,813 patients are cured, while 13,525 are currently positive cases.
A leap forward in hospitalizations: unfortunately today there is a hospitalization of 844 people from the 793 registered yesterday, a jump of 51 more hospitalizations.
The health system, therefore, begins to be under pressure although the planning of the Region foresees the preparation of 2,900 beds for Covid patients by the end of the month: by the end of this week it was planned to activate 1,100, a circumstance that drives the data . of these last hours.
The Bari Local Health Authority has announced a competition for the immediate recruitment, for six months, of at least 85 nurses, even if such a short contract period, in view of the possible risks, may not lead to a large number of candidates (in Basilicata compared to 350 they were presented in 4).
ASL Bari has hired 15 Covid “hunters”, so-called trackers, for a fixed period. These are 15 young doctors, not yet specialized, who will support the work of the Prevention department in contact tracing, epidemiological investigations and swab execution. The work assignments were commissioned on their own account and for a maximum duration of six months, eventually renewable.
In the coming days, 34 doctors will sign the contract with the ASL Brindisi that will be part of the five Usca, the special care continuity units, which operate in the province of Brindisi for the home management of Covid patients. With these new professionals, we will train five Usca who will join the one already active in the area that has six doctors and is based in Ceglie Messapica.
At the Polyclinic, meanwhile, swabs are performed every 15 days for health workers on duty in the Covid rooms and monthly tests for shift employees in the No Covid operating units. It is the screening plan adopted by the Bari Polyclinic for the coronavirus emergency.
Finally, as regards the health workers on duty at the Giovanni XXIII pediatric hospital, the evaluations will be carried out in the infectious diseases operating unit under the supervision of the medical direction. Screening has already begun with health workers on duty at the “Baccelli” Internal Medicine operating unit in charge of caring for Covid patients and with employees of the thoracic surgery and hospital clinical pathology units.