‘Abortion more serious than pedophilia’, storm over the words of the vicar of the Bishop of Macerata


Abortion, not pedophilia, is the most serious abomination: Don Andrea Leonesi, vicar of the Bishop of Macerata, is so convinced that he told the faithful from the pulpit of the Church of the Immaculate Conception during the mass of October 27, choosing with certainty the least worst in a terrible North American confrontation: “Look, brothers, we can say everything but abortion is the gravest of ravages: I would like to say one thing but then I scandalize half the world. An abortion is more serious or ¿A Act of pedophilia? Excuse me, the underlying problem is that we are so confused in a certain mentality … By this I do not mean that the act of pedophilia is nothing, it is something very serious. But what is more serious?

The homily began with the eulogy from Poland that passed “a law by which even the malformed fetus cannot be aborted. Today we try to say something similar in Italy. It is also true that Saint Faustina had an inspiration: the revival of the Church would begin in Poland “. And he ended with the sacrament of Christian marriage, which provides for the submission of the wife to her husband, and with the hope of a future Church in the image and likeness of his enlightened thought: “May the Lord grant us a new generation of Christian politicians who! reverse the trend! “.

The words of the bishop’s vicar (recorded on video, published yesterday Chronicles of Maceratesi) provoked the harsh reaction of the Italian left, which asked the Catholic world to distance itself from “denial, obscurantism, exasperated machismo. A vision of an archaic and patriarchal society in the face of which silence and indifference are not allowed” .
